There are ______ states that have signs for them.
What is 11?
This sign is made by circle the letter L in front of you.
What is library?
Two D's coming apart
What is divorce?
Niece and nephew have you moving this letter by your head.
What is N?
What is their life story?
This state is abbreviated LA.
What is Louisiana?
TTY stands for this that makes it easier for those that are deaf to communicate over the phone.
What is teletypewriter?
This sign can be confused with evaporate
What is adopted?
To be married involves clasping your hands in front of you. For wife you need to move one hand from here and clasp them.
What is your chin?
Somethings you would sign when meeting someone new include...
What are where you were born, grew up, went to school, and where you live?
Colorado can be signed two different ways: one is to sign color then A-D-O and the other is this way.
What is sign C-O-L-O?
Office is signed by making this shape with your hands in the shape of this letter.
What is a box/room and O?
What is grandfather?
Twins is signed by moving your hand signing this number and moving it from one side of this body part to the other.
What is two and chin?
Deaf people share their life stories to determine this
What are community ties?
Washington is signed with a W coming off from this part of the body?
What is the shoulder?
What is R and bouncing the letter R?
This sign is the broad term for dogs, cats, birds, etc.
What is pet?
Patting heads
What is children?
This is the most common way to get a deaf persons attention.
What is waving?
Name 5 states that have signs for them.
What are Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Montana, New York, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and West Virginia?
Book Store is signed using two signs. Book looks like you're _______ and store looks like you're holding something and waving your hands back and forth.
What is opening a book?
Daughter and Son can be easily confused if you don't do this.
What is move your hand from your forehead for boy and chin for girl?
Sign half-sister
What is signing 1 then move down to 2 then signing sister?
The base meaning of a sign can be changed by doing this.
What is modifying facial expressions and directions of the signs?