Pop/Folk culture Definitions
Examples of Pop/Folk culture and Language Distribution Hypothesis Definition
Language and Dialect definition
Examples of Language and Dialect
Examples and Definitions of Language

What is a habit

A repetitive act performed by an individual. Such as 


what is an example of Folk Culture?

A traditional dance or song is an example of folk culture.


What is language?

A system of communication through speech or a collection of sounds


What is an example of a Language Family?

The Indo-European language family is the largest language family with 45.7% of languages within it.


Literary tradition

A system of written communication.


What is Folk Culture?

Folk culture is a traditional culture that is spread through relocation diffusion and takes far longer to diffuse than popular culture. 


What is an example of Pop Culture?

A type of iPhone is pop culture, but it is soon replaced with a new version.


What is a Language Branch?

A collection of languages within a family related through a common ancestral language. Differences are not as significant or old as with families.


What is an example of a Language Branch?

The romance language branch holds languages such as Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Italian. These languages have similar origins but have different vocabulary, spelling, and grammar.


What is isogloss?

Isogloss is an invisible boundary of different dialects.


What is a custom?

A repetitive act performed by a group.


What is the Sedentary Farmer hypothesis?

A theory that states that the Proto-European languages were spread through peace offerings of food and resources.


what is a language Family?

A language family is a collection of languages related through a common ancestral language.


What is an example of a dialect?

English in the United States is a different dialects than that spoken in the UK or Australia.


What is lingua franca?

A language of international commerce and communication.


What is Pop culture?

Popular culture is a widely dispersed culture spread through hierarchical diffusion and is dispersed quickly.


What is an example of a taboo?

Food would be an example. Some religions eating meat such as pork.


What is a Language Group?

A collection of languages within a branch that share a common origin in recent past and display similar vocab and grammar


What is an example of a language group?

A collection of languages that belong to a branch the way that English, Dutch, and German do to the West Germanic Branch.

What is an example of Literary Tradition?

The mandarin characters are an example of a literary tradition. They have been around for millennia and display a lot of meaning.


What is a taboo?

A restriction on behavior imposed by a social custom


Nomadic Warrior Hypothesis

A hypothesis that states that the Proto-European languages were spread by warriors on horseback through conquering civilizations.


What is a dialect?

A regional variation of a language distinguished by distinctive vocabulary.


What is an example of isogloss?

 The line between Midwestern/Northern English dialect and the Southern English dialect.


What is an example of lingua franca?

English is a second language in many countries for global communication and economic purposes.