What is "father"
le pere
What is " mon grand-pere"
le pere de ma mere
Two adjectives that describe beauty. (hint: pretty & beautiful)
"joli et beau/belle"
masculine and feminine forms of "old"
"vieux et vieille"
The three forms of "my"
"mon, ma, et mes"
What is "mother"
la mere
What is " ma cousine"
la fille de mon oncle ou de ma tante
Two hair colors
blond, brun, chatain ou roux
masculine and feminine forms of "proud"
"fier et fiere"
The two forms of "your" (formal)
"votre et vos"
What are "grand parents"
les grands-parents
What is "ma tante"
le soeur de mon pere
Two adjectives describing height
"petit et grand"
masculine and feminine forms of "happy"
"heureux et heureuse"
The two forms of "their"
"leur et leurs"
What is "son"
le fils
Who is "mon grand-pere"
le mari de ma grand-mere
The expression for "medium size"
"de taille moyenne"
masculine and feminine forms of "fat"
"gros et grosse"
The three forms of "his/hers".
"son, sa et ses"
What is "sister"
la soeur
Who is "mon frere"
le fils de ma mere
A color that does not agree in gender or number - it always stays the same.
B.A.N.G.S. is a group of adjectives that come before the noun and it stands for...
"Beauty, Age, Number, Goodness and Size"
Translate on the board "Our classes are hard."
"Nos cours sont difficiles."