What is the name of this music symbol?
Repeat Sign
What type of note is this?
Eighth Note
What is the name of this musical symbol?
Eighth Rest
What is the name of this note?
Dotted Quarter Note
What are the note names of the spaces in the treble clef?
How many endings does this song have?
2 endings!
A first and second ending.
What do we call the thing attached to the stem that is hanging off the right of this eighth note?
A flag!
How many beats does an eighth rest receive?
1/2 a beat
How many beats does the small dot on the dotted quarter note receive?
1/2 of a beat. It is equal to an eighth note.
What are the note names in the spaces for the bass clef?
When reading this music, where do we go back in the music once we meet the ending repeat sign for the first time?
We go back to where the letter C is at the beginning.
Two or more 8th notes are connected by a ____.
How many eighth rests equal one quarter rest?
How many beats would a dotted quarter note receive in 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 time?
1 1/2 beats. The same every time because of the key signature having a 4 at the bottom.
As a group come up with a definition of how to read a repeat sign as well as a 1st and 2nd ending. Act as if you are explaining this to a Kindergartener.
How do you count an 8th note? What words can you say (there are two possible answers).
1 &
ti ti
How many eighth rests are in this piece of music?
How many dotted quarter notes are in this song?
One possible answer 2/4 time.
How many endings does this song have?
How many eighth notes are equal to a dotted half note?
How many eighth rests are equal to a whole rest in 4/4 time?
Write me an example on the board using a dotted quarter note, and eighth note in 4/4 time.
Explain to me the difference between a tie and a slur.
A tie occurs when 2 notes of the same pitch are joined by a curved line.
A slur occurs when 2 or more notes of different pitches are joined by a curved line.