Nurs int Resp
Nurs int cardiac
Cardiac disorders
resp disorders

what to do is chest tube becomes dislodged from site and from suction

from site: occlusive dressing over site

from suction: clamp so air cannot get in lungs long enough to put in sterile water for water seal



apical pulse in infant to hold digoxin therapy

Serum digoxin levels theraputic 

Signs and symptoms of dig toxicity 



nausea, vomit, diarrhea, halo aroung lights, dizziness


3 contractions in live vaccine therapy 

pregnancy, immunosuppressed- (corticosteriod use, chemotherapy, radiation, AIDS/HIV) recent blood transfusion in the last 11 months


decreased pulmonary blood flow disorders shunting of blood see on echo

right to left 


what is brochillitis caused by 



3 teaching guidelines to edu on controlling exposure to allergens 

1. avoid tobaco smoke

2. dust mites: use pillow and mattress covers, wash bedding in 130 degree water once a week, blinds instead of curtains, remove stuffed animals, reduce indoor humidity to < 50%

3. remove pets from home permanently or keep off furniture

4. avoid leaving food out

5. dehumidifier to prevent water damage

6.avoid outdoor pollen in spring 


nursing management for hypercyanotic spells

1. calming approach, swaddle, moms smell

2. knee to chest to help blood flow return to lungs

3. o2 therapy for vasodilation

4. morphine for vasodilation 1mg/kg

5. propanolol to decrease rv spasms 1mg/kg

allergy contraindication for hep b vaccine 



early compensatory response of hypoxia shown on CBC

polycythemia >6.1 (LOGAN THIS IS INCREASED RBC) 

20 points to whoever can explain to me why this happens 


laryngotracheobronchitis hallmark sign and tx 

barking cough mainly at night 

racemic epinephrine watch for rebound bronchospasm


treatment for asthma steps

step 1: short acting b2 agonist (albuterol) PRN

step 2: low dose inhaled corticosteriod

step 3: referal to asthma specialist, inhaled corticosteriod and long acting b2 agonist (sulmerodol)

step 4: medium dose inhaled corticosteriod and long acting b2 agonist (sulmerodol)

Step 5: high dose inhaled corticosteriod and long acting b2 agonist (sulmerodol)

Step 6: high dose inhaled corticosteriod and long acting b2 agonist (sulmerodol) and oral corticosteriod


most aat risk pt for infective endocarditis

pt with prostetic valves from previous valvular disorders


adverse effect of DtaP vaccine that can be linked to pertussis 

encephalopathy within 7 days of recieving vaccine 


3 questions. 100 pt each 

1.toddlers BP

2.widened pulse pressure range for them

3.what would it be if the child had coarctaion of the aorta?


>50 mmhg

increased in upper extremities decreased in lower by 20 mmhg


oxygen therapy for epiglottis 

oxygen hood 

Red zone peak flow rate and s/s

less than 50% of personal best, not responding to short acting medication, trouble walking or talking, difficulty breathing coughing and wheezing


providing adequate nutrition for infants with congenital heart disease

oral gavage feedings with breastmilk or formula with additives of polycose or vegetable oil to increase calories

feed orally for no longer than 20 min then give rest through ng tube

small frequent meals


live vaccines and where are they given 

varicella- subq

MMR- sub q 

rotavirus- oral

live flu- nasal 2 doses 1st time 


aortic stenosis telll me everything esp what ventricle will by hypertrophed 

patho:obstruction of blood flow from left vent to aorta leads to pulmonary congestion and left vent failure

echo- left ventricle hypertrophy

s/s: could be asymptomatic, hx of fatigue, chest pain when standing, narrowed pulse pressure, systolic murmur, thrill felt at base of heart


differences between croup and epiglottis 

epiglottis is rapid onset high fever, no barking cough, dyphagia and toxic apperance caused by hib affecting 1-8yr old

croup is sudden onset at night, fever varies, barking cough, no dysphagia, no toxic apperance, coryza affecting 3mo-3yr age


5 steps to chest physiotherapy

1. Avoid doing after eating. provide percussion via cupped hand or an infant should hear hollow sound

2. percuss each segment of lung for 1-2 min

3. vibrate each lung segment for at least five exhalations 

4. encourage the child to deep breathe and cough

5. change drainage positions and repeat percussion vibration 


post op cardiac cath edu 

- chang dressing day after

-avoid baths for 3 days use sponge bath or shower

-keep dressing dry and sterile for 3 days 

keep leg straight for several hours after procedure

report redness, drainage, swelling at site

take temp q d for at least first 3 days and report 100.4 or higher 

no strenous activity for 3 days 

who needs to get meningococcal vacinnes?

college students living in dorms, sickle cell pt, pts with HIV or traveling to country where menigitis is common 


blalock- taussig shunt is tx for? and what are nursing int after 

tx for: decreased pulmonary blood flow disorders: tetrolagy of fallot and tricuspid artresia 

nursing int: no bp, pulse or venipunctures in the affect arm ever. monitor for arrhythmias 


CF patho and tx

dysfunction of exocrine glands causing thickened secretions in sweat, gi, resp, pancreas. they produce high chloride levels causes electrolyte alterations

tx: minimize pulmonary complications: pulmonyze, CPT, aerosilzed abx

facilitating growth: pancreatic enzymes on high fat food, high calorie high protien diets, fat soluble vitamins: A,D,E,K