Internet Safety

Some facts


7 keys to the internet safety

What is internet safety?

"Internet safety is the practice of following actionable guidelines, understanding modern technology, and protecting your digital devices so you can defend against malicious parts of the online world" (Zook,2019). 


Tell me what is the 3 percent?

Only 10% of victims tell their parents


There is no easy reason to pin down, but some possible reasons are: 

1. Out of anger

2. Revenge

3. In response to another cyberbully


Key #1: Verify identity  

Make sure you know who you're talking to.  It's simple to pretend to be someone else on the internet. You just need a fake name, email, and social profile. You can check if someone is who they say they are by looking them up on the internet and social networks, especially on LinkedIn.


What are the three ways to tell someone when someone is bothering you on the internet?  

Is to tell a parent, Tell a teacher, and tell anyone that you can trust. 


What are some tools to talk to people online?

The common tools for cyberbullying are chat rooms, social networking, email, and also instant messaging people you don't even know. 


What are some examples of cyberbullying?  

1. Mean text messages or emails

2. Rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites

3. Embarrassing pictures, videos, websites

4. Fake profiles 


Key #2 verity links

Learn to "read" URLs or links.  HTTP is unsecured and HTTP is secure, indicating a trusted website.  Hover over links with the mouse cursor to see the embedded URL in the text.  Be cautious of links that show different URL 


Why do we learn about internet safety?

The internet is wide and frequently used. 97% of teens (ages 13-17) use the internet daily, and 46% use it almost constantly. The internet has changed the way we live; we now have instant access to knowledge, games, movies, shows, social interaction, creativity, news, and so on. 


Tell me what is the 2 of the fact 

Girls are more likely to be the target of cyberbullies than boys


What is Cyberbullying? 

Is that bullying taking place using electronic technology? Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites. 


Key #3 Identify Scams  

Watch out for unsolicited emails, instant messages, or text messages, as they may be online scams.  These messages typically come from unknown scores and may instruct you to click a link.  Avoid clicking on these links, as they could expose your computer to malware, viruses, ransomware, or other harmful software


An amazing tool, but it does include aspects that necessitate learning about how to use it safely, such as: 

Phishing, malware, Drive-by downloads of data, Exposure to inappropriate material, Online predators, Personal data being stolen/sold, Cyberbullying 


What is the percent of cyberbully

Over 40% of students with internet access have been the victim of cyberbullying  


Whys is cyberbullying different? 

Kids who are being cyberbullied are often bullied in person as well.  Additionally, kids who are cyberbullied have a harder time getting away from behavior.


Don't add people on what 

Social media 


There is another percent for the facts?

68% of teens agree that cyberbullying is a serious problem.


Follow these rules 

STOP - calm down, don't respond

BLOCK - block the bully and/or limit communication with people on your buddy list.

AND TELL - Tell a trusted adult, (a Teacher, parent, or law enforcement official)