Lung Cancer Assessment and Interventions
Breast Cancer Assessment and Interventions
Leukemia Assessment and Interventions
Sickle Cell Anemia Assessment and Interventions
Lung Cancer TX/Meds
Breast Cancer TX/Meds
Leukemia TX/Meds
Sickle Cell Anemia TX/Meds

This symptom, often seen with lung cancer, is characterized by the expectoration of blood-streaked sputum.

What is hemoptysis?


This diagnostic tool, recommended annually for women over 40, is the gold standard for early breast cancer detection.

What is a mammogram?


This symptom, often seen in leukemia patients, is characterized by fatigue, pallor, and weakness.

What is anemia?


In sickle cell disease, red blood cells take on this shape due to the polymerization of hemoglobin S under low oxygen conditions.

What is a sickle or crescent shape?


This type of therapy uses high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and is often used when surgery is not an option.

What is radiation therapy?


This type of surgery involves removing only the cancerous tumor and a small margin of surrounding tissue.

What is a lumpectomy?


This treatment option may be used to restore healthy blood cells by replacing diseased bone marrow.

What is a stem cell transplant?


This type of medication, used for pain management in sickle cell crises, is commonly prescribed for severe pain.

What are opioids (e.g., morphine or hydromorphone)?


The warning signs of lung cancer.

What are hoarseness, persistent cough, respiratory changes, dyspnea, wheezing, blood-streaked sputum, recurring pneumonia or bronchitis, weight loss and clubbing of the fingers?


This is the ideal time of the month for a premenopausal woman to perform a breast self-exam.

What is 1 week after her menstrual period?


A patient with suspected leukemia undergoes this procedure to examine the cellularity and structure of bone marrow.

What is a bone marrow biopsy?


On a pain scale, patients with sickle cell anemia may report this level of pain during a vaso-occlusive crisis.

What is severe pain (8-10 on the scale)?


This surgical procedure involves the removal of a lung lobe to treat localized lung cancer.

What is a lobectomy?


This pre-surgical treatment aims to shrink a large tumor to allow for a less invasive surgery like a lumpectomy.

What is neoadjuvant chemotherapy?


The purpose of this treatment modality is to eliminate any remaining leukemia cells post-chemotherapy to reduce the risk of relapse.

What is consolidation therapy?


This over-the-counter medication is often prescribed to manage mild to moderate pain in sickle cell patients, but should be used cautiously due to potential for kidney damage.

What is ibuprofen?


This assessment finding, characterized by a high-pitched whistling sound, can indicate partial obstruction of an airway due to a tumor.

What is stridor/wheezing?


This change in the breast’s appearance, often described as dimpling or puckering of the skin, may indicate the presence of this complication.

What is fibrosis causing shortening of the ligaments or an underlying tumor?


This common complication of leukemia, marked by bruising and prolonged bleeding, occurs due to a deficiency in platelets.

What is thrombocytopenia?


This type of pain, caused by blockages in small blood vessels, is the hallmark of sickle cell anemia and is a common reason for hospital admissions.  

What is a vaso-occlusive crisis (or pain crisis)?  


This is the main treatment for patients with Stage 1 and Stage II non-small cell lung cancer.

What is surgery?


This type of radiation therapy is delivered directly into the tumor site through an implanted catheter, typically over five days.

What is brachytherapy?


This type of chemotherapy is given at the start of leukemia treatment to induce remission.

What is induction chemotherapy?


This procedure, involving the replacement of sickled red blood cells with healthy donor cells, can be used to treat severe complications of sickle cell disease.

What is a blood transfusion?


The nurse notes that a patient has bone pain. This finding in a patient with lung cancer may suggest this complication.

What is bone metastasis?


This term describes the appearance of the breast skin when it becomes thickened, dimpled, and resembles the texture of an orange peel.

What is peau d'orange?


A patient with acute leukemia presents with frequent infections, despite a high white blood cell count. This paradox is due to the fact that most white blood cells are __________.

What is immature and dysfunctional?


This syndrome, marked by fever, chest pain, and pulmonary infiltrates, is a leading cause of death in sickle cell patients.

What is acute chest syndrome?


A nurse closely monitors the temperature of a patient with lung cancer receiving chemotherapy. This is to detect this common complication of chemotherapy.

What is neutropenia or infection?


This is the preferred arm position for a patient after a mastectomy to promote lymphatic drainage and reduce swelling.

What is elevating the affected arm on a pillow while awake?


In leukemia treatment, this type of therapy involves using high-dose chemotherapy followed by the infusion of healthy stem cells.

What is hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT)?


This medication, used to increase fetal hemoglobin (HbF) production, helps reduce the frequency of sickle cell crises.

What is hydroxyurea?


The nurse assesses a patient with lung cancer and finds purulent-colored sputum. This assessment finding would indicate this complication.

What is a lung infection or pneumonia?


This non-invasive breast cancer is confined to the milk ducts and has not spread to surrounding tissue.

What is ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)?


This supportive care measure is often used to manage fever and infections in leukemia patients.

What is antibiotic therapy?


Sickle cell patients are at risk of developing this chronic lung condition due to repeated episodes of acute chest syndrome and pulmonary damage.

What is pulmonary hypertension?


A critical nursing action for patients undergoing radiation therapy is monitoring this lab value, as bone marrow suppression may occur.

What is a complete blood count (CBC)?


This type of post-surgical complication, indicated by symptoms such as swelling and heaviness in the arm, requires lifelong precautions.

What is lymphedema?


A patient with relapsed leukemia is being considered for an allogeneic stem cell transplant. This type of transplant involves stem cells donated by __________.

What is a matched sibling or unrelated donor?


This nursing intervention is critical for managing a vaso-occlusive crisis by preventing dehydration and maintaining blood flow.

What is aggressive hydration (IV fluids)?


The nurse observes that a patient with lung cancer has facial edema and distended neck veins. This assessment finding may indicate this emergent condition.

What is superior vena cava syndrome?


The nurse assesses a patient with breast cancer who complains of abdominal pain and jaundice. These symptoms may indicate metastasis to this organ

What is the liver?


A patient presents with petechiae, fatigue, and recurrent fevers. Analyze how these symptoms could suggest a diagnosis of leukemia.

What is petechiae suggest thrombocytopenia, fatigue could indicate anemia, and recurrent fevers point to infections, all due to bone marrow dysfunction from leukemia?


This chronic complication of sickle cell disease, characterized by ulcers, can form on the lower legs due to poor circulation.

What are leg ulcers?


The purpose of the water-seal chamber in a chest tube drainage system is to prevent this from entering the pleural space.    

What is air?


This serious complication, associated with chemotherapy drugs like doxorubicin, requires patients to report symptoms like shortness of breath, fatigue, and edema.

What is cardiotoxicity?


Evaluate why stem cell transplantation might be considered in relapsed leukemia, particularly in younger patients.

What is stem cell transplantation can offer a potential cure by replacing diseased bone marrow with healthy cells, and younger patients tend to tolerate the procedure better with fewer complications?


To prevent infections, patients with sickle cell anemia may be prescribed this prophylactic antibiotic, particularly in childhood.

What is penicillin?