Before the War
Civil War: Battles
Civil War: People
Causes of the Civil War

What happened as a result of the Missouri Compromise?

1. Maine entered as a free state and Missouri entered as a slave state.

2. The rest of the West would be divided on the 36'30"line


What are the big things to know about the Battle of Gettysburg?

1. deadliest battle of the Civil War. 

2. The Union won cause they got the high ground. 


What were the Reconstruction amendments and what did they do

13th - Ended slavery

14th - people born/naturalized in the US are citizens

15th - guaranteed right of citizens to vote (not women)


Who were Ulysses S Grant and Robert E Lee?

Generals, Grant led the Union army and Lee led the Confederate Army


What did John Brown do?

led a raid on Harper's Ferry (federal armory) in hopes of arming enslaved people for a rebellion. He wanted to free enslaved people


What is Manifest Destiny?

a phrase coined to describe the belief that America was destined to expand and settle the entire continent of North America.


What are the big things to know about the Battle of Antietam?

1. deadliest one day battle

2. First major battle on Union soil

2. the lack of Confederate victory encouraged Lincoln to pass the emancipation proclamation


Difference between Congressional and Presidential Reconstruction?

Congressional - Radical Republicans wanted to be harsher and punish the South

Presidential - Lincoln and Johnson wanted to readmit the South into the Union as fast as possible


What did Lincoln say in the Gettysburg Address?

After the battle of Gettysburg, Lincoln called on Northerners to keep fighting. It helped raise the spirits of the North


How did the election of 1860 lead to the Civil War?

Lincoln (who did not want slavery to expand) was elected president, so South Carolina and other Southern states seceded (left) the Union


What was the Compromise of 1850?

California was admitted as a free state, established fugitive slave act, New Mexico's established and will vote on slavery


What are the big things to know about the Battle of Vicksburg?

1. Union won the high ground at the MISSISSIPPI RIVER 

2. Since the Union now controlled the Mississippi river, the Confederacy was cut in half


What did the Freedman's Bureau do? 

Provided assistance to newly freed slaves and poor southerners. Provided food and clothes, also built schools for newly freed people


Were "Stonewall" Jackson and Jefferson Davis on the Union or Confederate side?


1. "stonewall" Jackson = A commander in Lee's Confederate army (he won victories at the battles of Bull Run)

2. Jefferson Davis = president of the Confederacy


What was the Kansas-Nebraska act?

Said that settlers in new territories should get to vote on whether slavery was allowed (this is called popular sovereignty). This led to lots of fighting in Kansas.


What was a result of the Mexican War?

1. The US got the territories of California and New Mexico

2. The US paid Mexico $15 million

3. the Rio Grande is now the border between the US and mexico


What are the big things to know about the Battle of Fort Sumter?

1. it's the battle that begins the Civil War

2. It's at a union fort surrounded by confederate territory

3. The Confederates win


What did the Black codes and the KKK do?

Black codes - southern laws designed to deny black people rights, and regulate relationships between black and white people

KKK - terrorist hate group that targeted Black people to keep them from voting


What did William Sherman do?

Union army leader, Captured the Confederated city of Atlanta and led the March to the Sea through Georgia


Scott v Stanford (Dredd Scott decision)

A slave named Dred Scott filed a lawsuit saying he should be free. The Supreme Court said that Congress could not prohibit slavery in any territory. 


What were the territories that President James K Polk got?

1. Oregon Territory

2. Texas

3. California and New Mexico


What are the big things to know about the Battle of Atlanta?

1. Union General Sherman targets Atlanta because it has railroads

2. Union soliders burn ATL down and march across GA destroying everything

3. Confederates knew they'd lose after this


How did the Election of 1876 lead to the end of reconstruction?

Because the election was so close, Republican Hayes agreed to remove troops from the South in exchange for the support of Democrats


What did Lincoln say in his Second Inaugural Address

1. Slavery was clearly evil

2. He urged Northerners not to seek revenge on Southerners, he wanted the Union to be together again


What battle was the first battle of the Civil War?

Battle of Fort Sumter