French and Indian War

Who fought in the French and Indian War?

What is French and British


List 2 Acts that taxed the colonists

What is Stamp Acts, Sugar Act, Tea Act, Townshend Acts, and Intolerable Acts.


What happened during the Boston Tea Party?

The colonists dressed as Native Americans at night and threw barrels of tea into the Boston Port water in response to the Tea Act. The British responded by creating the Intolerable Acts.

How did the Declaratory Act increase tensions between the colonists and Britain? 

Declared the Britain could make any tax and law they felt was fit, without colonists having a voice, instilling fear and anger into colonists. 


What is the name of the policy in which the British colonists were required to trade their raw materials to Great Britain, and then the British Colonists were required to buy Great Britain's finished goods made from the raw materials at a high price?

What is mercantilism


What is the British government called?

What is Parliament


What happened during the Boston Massacre?

British troops fired and killed 5 colonists after they had taunted, yelled, and threw objects at them on March 5, 1770 during a protest on British taxes. 6/8 British soldiers were found not guilty and the colonists were furious.


Who won the French and Indian War? 



What was Benjamin Franklin's Albany Plan of Union (1754)? Was it successful? Explain. 

  • A plan to unite all 13 colonies to support the British, and create one general government for the 13 colonies to make laws, raise taxes, and set up its own military 

  • However, plan was rejected as colonies wanted to independent from each other. 

  • Importance: 1st attempt to unite colonies


What does "No Taxation Without Representation" mean? 

It is unfair for Colonists to pay taxes to the British Parliament when they have no representatives to have a voice in making the laws. 


What was the purpose of the colonists boycotting British goods? 

For British businesses to suffer and go out of business. British business owners and traders would then lose their jobs. Colonists hoped this would happen, and these people losing jobs would put pressure on British Parliament to stop taxing the colonists. 


What were the two different points of view of the Boston Massacre? 

Colonists: Innocent. 

British: Accident caused by colonists. 


Why did the French and British fight against each other in the French and Indian War? 

They both wanted access to the Ohio River Valley. 


Why did the British tax the Colonists? How did the Colonists respond?

To help pay for the French and Indian War debts. They smuggled goods, boycotted British goods, Threw tea into the Boston Harbor, Protested, and spurred many conflicts with British soldiers.


What was the purpose of the Proclamation of 1763 Line? 

To prevent colonists in the Thirteen colonies from expanding West. Made to make it easier to tax and enforce laws on colonists and prevent conflicts with Native Americans. 


What was the purpose of the Navigation Acts? 

To prevent colonial traders from trading with other countries so Britain could take advantage of colonists and make much $$ (mercantilism) 


How does learning about the French and Indian War help us understand the American Revolution?

The British were in debt from the French and Indian War, and their solution to their debt was raising taxes on the Colonists, which created tensions that eventually grew strong enough for the American Revolution to break out.


What is the policy of Salutary Neglect from 1607-1763? What is important to know about those two dates? 

This policy was practiced by British Parliament in which they gave much freedom to the colonies and did not impose many restrictions or taxes. 

1607: First English Colony in the Americas (Jamestown)

1763: End of the French and Indian War 


List 6 Causes to the American Revolution

French and Indian War, Mercantilism, Navigation Acts, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts, Townshend Acts, Tea Act, the Quartering Act, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, British Taxes, Colonists having 0 representatives in British Parliament, War Debt, trying to seize colonists' supply house and important colonial leaders, and The Shot Heard Round the World. 


What was the Quartering Act part of the Intolerable Acts? 

Required colonists to fund and house and feed British soldiers in the colonies.