Defining Wellbeing
Stress, Anxiety, Phobia
Contributing Factors
Evidence based interventions
Maintaining Wellbeing

The ability to cope with stressors and to bounce back from adversity.

What is resilience?


A tool used to measure the dynamic state of an individual's psychological state including their ability to think, process information and regulate emotions

What is the mental wellbeing continuum?


A biological factor involving insufficient transmission or reception of the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the CNS.

What is GABA dysfunction?


A biological intervention that aims to correct physiological arousal arousal by correcting 'over breathing'

What is breathing retraining?


This biological protective factors is thought to improve mental wellbeing by ensuring a healthy diet and sufficient water intake

What is adequate nutrition and hydration?


The degree to which an individual can complete day-to-day tasks in an effective and independent manner

What is (levels of) functioning?

Factors that impact wellbeing that arise from within an individual

What are internal factors?


A biological contributing factor that involves the strengthening of neural connections involved in the fear response

What is Long-Term potentiation?


This is a psychological intervention strategy that involves creating a fear hierarchy and then using gradual exposure paired with a relaxation technique to treat phobias

What is systematic desensitisation?


This social protective factor refers to influences that exist in a person's social environment. 

What is social support? (support from family, friends and the community that is authentic and energising)


The ability for an individual to form and maintain meaningful bonds with others and adapt to different social situations

What is social wellbeing?


Factors that impact wellbeing that arise from an individual's environment

What are external factors?


A psychological factor involving the perpetuation of phobias due to negatively reinforcing avoidance behaviour 

What is operant conditioning?

This is a psychological intervention strategy is a form of psychotherapy that encourages individuals to identify negative thoughts and behaviours and replace them with positive ones.

What is cognitive behavioural therapy?


This Psychological protective factor utilises techniques that identify and correct dysfunctional thoughts and behaviours by more functional ones.  

What is cognitive behavioural strategies?


The ability of an individual to appropriately control and express their emotions and understand the emotions of others

What is emotional wellbeing?


An adaptive response that involves feeling of worry and apprehension and is usually future oriented

What is anxiety?


A psychological factor where individuals have a predisposition to think in a certain way. It could involve an exaggerated memory of a phobic stimulus or predicting a stimulus/event will be far worse than it is

What is cognitive bias?


This is a biological intervention strategy that is useful in the short-term for treating the symptoms of phobia. It involves taking medication.

What are benzodiazepines? 

(or what are GABA agonists)


This cultural determinant for wellbeing (for ATSI peoples') refers to the passing down of of knowledge, traditions and values from one generation to the next.

What is cultural continuity?


This is a multidimensional and holistic approach that includes all elements of being for ATSI peoples

What is the SEWB framework?


A maladaptive response characterised by excessive and disproportionate fear of a particular stimulus (object or event)

What is specific phobia?


This is a social factor whereby phobias are maintained due to a reluctance to seek help due to embarrassment or worry.

What is Stigma around seeking treatment?


This is a social intervention where families and supporters are taught to better understand, deal with and treat phobias.

What is psychoeducation?


This cultural determinant for wellbeing (for ATSI peoples') refers to the rights to pursue freely their economic, social and cultural development without outside interference.

What is self-determination?