Roaring Culture
Business of America
Boom & Bust
Social & Political Tensions
President's Policies

 What artistic movement celebrated African American music, literature, and creativity in the 1920s?

what is Harlem Renaissance


What innovation allowed Henry Ford to produce cars more quickly and at a lower cost?

what is assembly line


What major event occurred on October 29, 1929, triggering panic among investors?

what is black tuesday 


What movement pushed for the complete ban of alcohol in the U.S.?

what is temperance movement 


What did President Harding mean by a “return to normalcy

what is Returning to pre-WWI policies with less government interference.)


What style of music became a defining sound of the 1920s?

what is jazz 


What strategy did Ford use to keep workers happy despite repetitive assembly line work?

what is increased wages ($5), shorter hours, and more shifts


What economic practice led stock prices to be artificially inflated beyond their real value?

what is speculation 


What amendment made it illegal to manufacture, sell, or transport alcohol?

what is 18th amendment 


What were the two major scandal of Harding’s presidency that involved the illegal leasing of government oil reserves?

what is the teapot dome scandal and veterans bureua 


What are some ways that Flappers challenged the norms of society?

what is the new fashion, working, new freedoms, bolder make-up, partying, dating, etc 


What financial trend allowed people to buy now and pay later in small monthly payments? What was the slogan? 

what is installment plans and pay now & pay later 


How did the stock market crash contribute to the Great Depression?

what is led to widespread financial losses, business closures, and job layoffs


What was one unintended consequence of Prohibition that increased crime?

what is Rise of organized crime, bootlegging, and speakeasies)


What economic philosophy did Presidents Harding and Coolidge support that limited government regulation of business? and what is the idea of it

what is laissez-faire economics 

what is government not being involved in businessess 


What famous court case symbolized the clash between traditional religious beliefs and modern science?

what is the scopes trial 


How did advertising change in the 1920s to encourage consumer spending?

what is (It focused on emotions and desires rather than just information.)


What government policy failed to regulate the stock market, allowing speculation to run wild?

what ios Laissez-faire economics


What immigration law set strict limits on new arrivals, favoring Northern and Western Europeans?

what is quota acts of 1924 


 What phrase did Coolidge use to express his belief that economic growth depended on business success? what does that mean? 

what is business of america is business 

answers may vary 


what is another name for the scopes trial? Why was it called that

what is monkey trial

what is: teaching science and evolution in schools


What practice allowed investors to purchase stocks with only a small down payment while borrowing the rest?

what is buying on margin 


What tariff made the Great Depression worse by increasing taxes on imported goods and hurting international trade?

what is smoot-hawley tariff 


What event in the 1920s led Americans to fear the spread of communism and anarchism?

what is the red scare 


Why did many Americans grow frustrated with President Hoover during the Great Depression? explain 

what is His belief in "rugged individualism" and refusal to provide direct government aid

answers may vary