Inner Brain
Cerebral Lobes + Hemispheres
Spinal Cord + Reflex Arc
Random lol
Endocrine System

What are the functions of the Prefrontal Cortex? (Minimum 2)

Higher Order Thinking Skills

Impulse Control 


Decision Making 

Critical Thinking

Executive Functioning 





Locate Each of the Following Structures:

Frontal Lobe, Cerebellum, Temporal Lobe, Occipital Lobe, Parietal Lobe

Ms. V Project Image

See Board


What is a reflex?

An involuntary (unconscious) and automatic response to a stimulus

Sort the following terms by whether they study the structure or function of the nervous system

Word Bank: CT Scan, PET Scan, MRI, fMRI, EEG

Studies Structure: CT Scan, MRI, EEG*

Studies Function: fMRI, PET Scan, EEG*


Identify a Hormone

Possible Answers: 

Insulin, Melatonin, Growth Hormone, Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Thyroid Hormone, Adrenaline, Ghrelin, Leptin, Aldosterone, etc. 


Explain the functions of the Amygdala (Minimum 2)

Contributes to:

- Emotion Processing 

- Connecting Emotions to Memory

- Fear, Anxiety, and Aggression

- Interpreting someone's emotions/intentions from how they talk or act (Social communication and understanding)

- Learned behaviors, unconscious memory


Name at least 1 function of both the following structures:

1. Frontal Lobe

2. Parietal Lobe

1. Executive Processing (Decision-making, planning, problem solving, etc.), Intelligence, Cognition, Voluntary Motor Control

2. Processing Somatosensory Information (touch, pressure, temperature, pain), Spatial processing/attention/mapping


Locate each of the following structures

Ms. V Project Image

See board


Define both:

1. Structural Plasticity

2. Functional Plasticity

1. Structural Plasticity - Physical changes in the structure of neurons ex: forming new synapses or pruning the existing ones

2. Functional Plasticity - Changes in the Strength and Efficiency of neural connections, allowing different areas of the brain to take on new functions or compensate for damage


Identify a hormone + describe its function

Insulin - regulating blood sugar

Melatonin - regulating body's sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm) 

Growth Hormone - Bone and Muscle growth

Leptin - regulating balance of food intake (hunger) and energy use 

Ghrelin - stimulates hunger

Adrenaline - fight or flight response - heart beats faster, breathe faster, increase blood pressure, enlarge pupil

Thyroid Hormone: controlling metabolism

Aldosterone: Regulating blood pressure

Estrogen: Regulating growth and development of female reproductive system

Progesterone: preparing the endometrium (lining of the uterus) for a fertilize egg to implant and grow (when implantation does not occur, it is shed)

Testosterone: Regulating growth and development of male reproductive system


1. Choose 1 Structure from the Word Bank below  

2. Explain its function

Word Bank

Wernicke's Area, Broca's Area, Motor Cortex, Somatosensory Cortex

Wernicke's Area - Understanding language 

Broca's Area - Physically forming language (moving your mouth)

Motor Cortex - Physical Movement 

Somatosensory Cortex - Sensory Information related to: touch, temperature, pain, etc.


Name at least 1 function of both the following structures:

1. Temporal Lobe

2. Occipital Lobe

1. Recognition, Processing sensory information (Hearing, Vision, Smell), Understanding Language, Learning and Memory

2. Vision


Put in Order: 

interneuron, sensory neuron, motor neuron, sensor, effector

1. Sensor ex: temperature receptor in your skin

2. Sensory Neuron

3. Control Center: Interneuron

4. Motor Neuron

5. Effector ex: muscle


What side of the body does the left hemisphere control?

the right side of the body


Identify a hormone and the gland it is secreted from

Insulin - Pancreas

Melatonin -Pineal Gland

Growth Hormone - Pituitary Gland

Leptin - White Adipose (fat) Tissue 

Ghrelin - stomach

Adrenaline - adrenal glands

Thyroid Hormone - thyroid

Aldosterone - adrenal glands

Estrogen: Ovaries, Testes, Adrenal Glands, Adipose Tissue (Fat)

Progesterone: Adrenal Glands, Ovaries, Placenta, Testes

Testosterone: Testes, Ovaries


1. Choose 1 structure from the Word Bank below

2. Explain its function 

3. Identify 1 behavior or thing you might be doing when that structure is active

Word Bank

Wernicke's Area, Broca's Area, Motor Cortex, Somatosensory Cortex

Wernicke's Area - Understanding language - Understanding what your teacher is saying

Broca's Area - Physically forming language (moving your mouth) - Talking with your friend

Motor Cortex - Physical Movement - Dancing

Somatosensory Cortex - Sensory Information related to: touch, temperature, pain, etc. - Feeling the sun on your face


Name at least 1 function of the Cerebellum

1. Coordinating movement and balance

2. Associated with emotions 

3. Associated with how you make decisions 


Explain why the reflex arc is important

To be able to react quickly - typically to prevent injury 

--> Happens without messages needing to first be processed by the gun 


+400 points to answer 1 question, +800 points to answer both 

1. What is the function of gray and white matter

2. Where does most of the information processing happen in the brain?

1. Gray Matter - Processing Sensory Information & Sending Motor Information

White Matter - Facilitating communication within the brain

2. Cerebral Cortex


What would happen if we did not have _________ hormone?

Step 1: Chose 1 of the following hormones: insulin, melatonin, growth hormone, leptin, ghrelin, adrenaline, thyroid hormone, aldosterone, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone 

Step 2: Explain what would happen if that gland and hormone were not working

Insulin - would not be able to regulate blood sugar

Melatonin - would not be able to regulate body's sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm) 

Growth Hormone - would not be able to grow

Leptin - would not be able to regulate balance of food intake (hunger) and energy use 

Ghrelin - would not be able to stimulate hunger

Adrenaline - would not be able to activate fight or flight response - heart beats faster, breathe faster, increase blood pressure, enlarge pupil

Thyroid Hormone: would not be able to control metabolism

Aldosterone: would not be able to regulate blood pressure

Estrogen: no female puberty, would not be able to regulate growth and development of female reproductive system

Progesterone: no female puberty, difficulty conceiving, would not be able to prepare the endometrium (lining of the uterus) for a fertilize egg to implant and grow (when implantation does not occur, it is shed)

Testosterone: no male puberty, would not be able to regulating growth and development of male reproductive system


Using your knowledge of the teenage brain, how does brain development inform your understanding of why teenagers demonstrate impulsive and risky behaviors?

Must Include: Prefrontal Cortex, Amygdala 

- Brain Development (Brain develops back to front, Prefrontal Cortex not fully developed in teens)

- Related functions of the Prefrontal Cortex

- Related functions of the Amygdala

- Reasoning related to risky and impulsive behavior 

--> in Summative, to get a 4 requires reference to scenario + all the above


Scenario: You are cooking with your family. You can hear the music playing and layers of voices talking with one another. You can see the steam coming off the food and the people running around in the kitchen. You strategize and plan a way to get a bit without anyone seeing. You move to sneak a piece but before you can you feel your aunt slap your hand away and hurry you away. 

Question: Explain how 3 of your cerebral lobes ( or 2 lobes + cerebellum) interact to make this happen 

Word Bank: frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe, cerebellum

Frontal Lobe - strategizing and planning to sneak a piece of food, moving to grab a piece of food

Parietal Lobe - feeling your aunt slap your hand away

Temporal Lobe - hearing music, hearing voices of people

Occipital Lobe - seeing steam coming off the food, seeing people run around the kitchen 

Cerebellum - moving to grab a piece of food, 


Scenario: I receive roses and pick one up to smell it. As I pick it up, I get pricked by a thorn on my thumb and instantly pull my finger away, nearly dropping the flower

Question: Based on your understanding of the Spinal Cord and Reflex Arc, explain how this occurs in 2-3 complete sentences

Must Include: Spinal Cord, Sensory Neuron, Motor Neuron, Interneuron

1. Sensor - Pain receptor in hand feels thorn

2. Sensory neuron sends info

3. Control Center - Interneuron in Spinal Cord makes decision because signal is intense enough 

4. Motor Neuron sends action decided on by the interneuron

5. Effector - Muscle pulls finger away


Scenario: A friend is participating in a study at her college for extra money. She is part of a study analyzing how the brain perceives and interprets emotions based on facial expressions alone. In order to do this, the research team must assess what regions of the brain are active when performing this task.

Step 1: Based on your understanding of the methods and tools used to study the brain, what method would be the BEST way to study this in the brain?

a. CT Scan

b. PET Scan

c. MRI

Step 2Explain why you chose that tool. What makes it the best choice?

b. PET Scan

- Study calls for analysis of function

- PET studies function

- Neither CT nor MRI study function


What would happen if we did not have _________ hormone?

Step 1: Chose 1 of the following hormones: insulin, melatonin, growth hormone, leptin, ghrelin, adrenaline, thyroid hormone, aldosterone, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone 

Step 2: Explain what would happen if that gland and hormone were not working

Insulin - would not be able to regulate blood sugar

Melatonin - would not be able to regulate body's sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm) 

Growth Hormone - would not be able to grow

Leptin - would not be able to regulate balance of food intake (hunger) and energy use 

Ghrelin - would not be able to stimulate hunger

Adrenaline - would not be able to activate fight or flight response - heart beats faster, breathe faster, increase blood pressure, enlarge pupil

Thyroid Hormone: would not be able to control metabolism

Aldosterone: would not be able to regulate blood pressure

Estrogen: no female puberty, would not be able to regulate growth and development of female reproductive system

Progesterone: no female puberty, difficulty conceiving, would not be able to prepare the endometrium (lining of the uterus) for a fertilize egg to implant and grow (when implantation does not occur, it is shed)

Testosterone: no male puberty, would not be able to regulating growth and development of male reproductive system