The expanded form for the number 86,453
What is 80,000 + 6,000 + 400 + 50 + 3?
Round 337,216 to the nearest hundred
What is 337,200?
3 L = __________ mL
What is 3,000 mL?
Seven thousand, six hundred forty two
What is 7,642?
2,345 + 1,606
What is 3,951?
The expanded form for the number 91,532
What is 90,000 + 1,000 + 500 + 30 + 2?
Round 937,655 to the nearest ten thousand
What is 940,000?
14 km = ___________ cm
What is 140,000 cm?
Ninety eight thousand, four hundred eleven
What is 98,411?
4,145 - 3,068
What is 1,077?
The expanded form for the number 789,634
What is 700,000 + 80,000 + 9,000 + 600 + 30 + 4?
Round 866,952 to the nearest thousand
What is 867,000?
4 hours = __________ minutes
What is 240 minutes?
Five hundred ninety one thousand, two hundred sixty five
What is 591,265?
8,994 + 3,757
What is 12,751?
The expanded form for the number 3,980,631
What is 3,000,000 + 900,000 + 80,000 + 600 + 30 + 1?
Round 3,732,992 to the nearest hundred thousand
What is 3,700,000?
5 g = __________ mg
What is 5,000 mg?
Three million, eight hundred eighty six thousand, one hundred seventy four
What is 3,886,174?
2,041 - 1,152
What is 889?
The expanded form for the number 1,097,026
What is 1,000,000 + 90,000 + 7,000 + 20 + 6?
Round 7,499,321 to the nearest ten thousand
What is 7,500,000?
25 km = ___________ mm
What is 25,000,000 mm?
Nine million, six hundred thousand, seventeen
What is 9,600,017?
10,000 - 8,359
What is 1,641?