The French and Indian War
Early Conflicts with Britain
Conflicts Grow
War Begins
States and Capitals
Who fought in the French Indian War. What was the cause of this war?
Britain and its colonists fought against France and its American Indian allies. The British wanted to trade fur and farm the land around the Ohio river. The French refused to allow that.
Why did Britain need money after the French Indian war, and how did King George III try to raise that money?
Britain had a lot of debt because of the French Indian war. They imposed taxes on the colonists to help pay their debts.
What was the Committees of Correspondence?
A system set up by the colonists to share information.
What is meant by "Paul Revere's Ride"?
On the night of April 18, 1775 an army of 700 British soldiers set off for Concord. Revere had to ride ahead to warn the minutemen.
Capital of New York
What was the Albany congress, and where did they meet?
They met in Albany, NY to discuss how to beat the French.
name and describe two new taxes which were imposed In 1764 and 1765.
1764: SUGAR ACT: Taxed many things such as sugar, coffee and cloth. 1765: STAMP ACT: Anything printed on paper was taxed.
Describe the December 16th, 1773 Boston Tea Party.
In 1773 parliament passes the Tea Act. This allowed the East India Company to sell tea in America at very low prices. Colonists refused to buy this tea. It sat unloaded in the Boston harbor. One night the Sons of Liberty boarded the ship illegally and threw the tea into the ocean.
Describe the Battle of Lexington.
April 19th, 1775: The British arrived in Lexington. Minutemen were already waiting for them there. Someone fired a shot. 8 colonists died, and 9 were wounded. One British was killed.
Capital of Utah
Salt Lake City
What was the Albany plan?
It was a plan proposed by Benjamin Franklin. He suggested that the colonies work together under a central government. Each colony would still have its own government too. This plan was rejected by the colonists.
How did the colonists feel about these taxes? Describe the role of Patrick Henry and The Sons of Liberty.
Patrick Henry: Member of Virginia House of Burgesses was very outspoken about the unfairness of these taxes. Sons of Liberty: Organized protests across the colonies.
What was Britain's response to the Boston Tea Party?
They passed the Coercive Acts. The colonists renamed it to be the Intolerable Acts. These laws stopped trade between Boston and Britain, it ended most town meetings, gave more control to Britain over the colony, and British soldiers returned to Boston and Bostonians had to quarter these soldiers.
Describe the Battle of Concord.
Fighting continued. Colonists forced the British back to Boston were they were trapped.
Capital of Vermont?
Who won the French Indian war, and which two battles contributed to this victory?
Britain. Defeated the French in 1759 and took over Quebec. Defeated the French in 1760 and took over Montreal.
When and where was the STAMP ACT congress held, and what did it accomplish?
October 1765 in NYC. Merchants in large cities agreed to boycott British goods- it worked and the STAMP ACT was repealed in 1766 as a result.
What was the colonist's response to the Coercive Acts?
They were furious. The First Continental Congress were held on September 5th, 1774 in Philadelphia. They asked King George to give the same freedom to the colonists as to British citizens, to stop the taxes and to repeal the Coercive Acts. King George declared this to be a rebellion.
What was the Colonial Army, and when was it formed?
A colonist army created by the Second Continental Congress with George Washington as the commander. This army was formed in June 1775.
Capital of Tennessee?
What was the treaty of Paris, and when was it signed?
A peace treaty between Britain and French. Most of Canada and land east of the Mississippi went to Britain. This treaty was signed in 1763.
When were the Townsend acts imposed, and what were taxed under this act?
1767:This was a tax on tea, glass, lead, paints and paper.
Describe the March 5th, 1770 Boston Massacre.
Colonists and British soldiers got into an argument. Colonists started throwing snowballs at the soldiers. A shot was fired and 5 colonists were killed.
What was the "Olive Branch Petition"?
A request in July 1775 to King George to end the conflict. He responded by sending even more troops to the Colonies.
Capital of Indiana?