A word that means " Good News"
The Gospel of Mathew includes....
LIst of Jesus's ancestors, stories of healing and parables.
The Church is a worldwide....
Jesus proclaimed during a reading from a scroll of the prophet Isaiah, he was the.....
St. John Nuemann was from where?
Czech Republic.
The second part of the bible recording the life and teachings of Jesus.
New Testament
The Gospel of Mark includes...
The ministry of John the Baptist, almost all of what evangelist wrote.
The Church is the ..... of salvation.
Jesus went to the synagogue of....
He couldn't....
Become a priest.
The community of all baptized people who believe in God and follow Jesus.
The Gospel of Luke includes...
Announcement of Jesus's birth, over half his Gospel is unique from the others.
The Church is the..... Christ is the head of the body.
Body of Christ
Jesus would bring...
Glad tidings to the poor, proclaim liberty, recover sight of the blind, let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the lord.
He joined what order?
Redemptorist Order.
The title for Jesus, meaning " brought back", saving the human race from the slavery of sin.
The Gospel of John includes...
Content that is not found anywhere else. And is wroted not from the Apostle John, but believed to be a disciple of the Apostle John.
After reading Jesus announced to the crowd that the passage was...
Fulfilled in your hearing.
What did he build?
New parishes and a cathedral.
The seventh day of the week. Observed as a day of rest, prayer, and worship.
Who was the Gospel of Mathew written for
Christians who were Jewish.
Where is he the bishop of ?