рука, ладонь, нога, стопа
arm, hand, leg, foot
I know my arm’s bleeding, but it’s not serious. It’s just a little ______
поломать, кашель, боль в горле, температура
break, cough, sore throat, temperature
I _____you for/since a long time. (not see)
I haven't seen you for a long time.
1 A: Hello, Janet! I haven’t seen/didn’t see you for a while.
B: I have been/was in France last week. I think I have told/told you.
1 A: Hello, Janet! I haven’t seen you for a while.
B: I was in France last week. I think I have told you.
спина, колено, плечо, лоб
back, knee, shoulder, forhead
I don’t know what I’ve eaten, but I’ve got a really bad ________
stomach ache
отравление, солнечный ожог, порез, вывихнуть
food poisoning, sunburn, cut, sprain
They ________________ any medicine for/since last year. (not take)
They ahven't taken any medicine since last year.
A: I’ve never travelled/never travelled outside Europe. What about you?
B: Oh yes, many times. I’ve been/went to Africa, Australia and the US. Last summer I’ve visited/ visited Chicago for the first time.
A: I’ve never travelled outside Europe. What about you?
B: Oh yes, many times. I’ve been to Africa, Australia and the US. Last summer I visited Chicago for the first time.
щека, подбородок, грудь, локоть
cheek, chin, chest, elbow
You haven’t got the flu, it’s just a bad _____
фингал, аптечка, обезболивающее, кровь из носа
black eye, fisrt-aid kit, painkiller, nosebleeding
You haven’t looked well since Monday – have you seen the doctor already? Right/Wrong
You haven’t looked well since Monday – have you already seen the doctor?
A: Have you hurt/Did you hurt your foot?
B: Yes, I’ve fallen off /fell off my bike. It has happened/happened two days ago.
A: Have you hurt your foot?
B: Yes, I’ve fallen off my bike. It happened two days ago.
горло, запястье, челюсть, лодышка
throat, wrist, jaw, ankle
I fell over and hurt my ankle. Now I can’t walk and it is really ________, looks too big.
боль, боль, болеть, рана
ache, pain, hurt, injury
Sorry, I’m still a bit tired – I’ve already woken up. Right/Wrong
Sorry, I’m still a bit tired – I’ve just woken up.
You're lucky! Just get your points!
Lucky strike! 400 points!
бедро, ляшка, пятка, икра на ноге
hip, thigh, heel, calf
I’ve got a big black _________ on my leg from when the golf ball hit me.
the bit between your foot and the lower part of your leg ___________
They’re bored because they’ve played this game many times yet.
They’re bored because they’ve already played this game many times.
A: Did you know Mary _______(injure) her ankle at the ice rink yesterday?
B: No, I ________(not know). _______ (they/use) the RICE method on her injury yet?
A: Did you know Mary injured her ankle at the ice rink yesterday?
B: No, I didn't know. Have they used the RICE method on her injury yet?