The name of what's labeled A.
What is Europe?
This river is the heartbeat of India and one of the most significant rivers on the planet.
What is the Ganges?
This is the name of the most famous city in the lost Indus River Valley civilization.
What is Mohenjo Daro?
This is a central difference between Hinduism and other major world religions.
What is not having a single founder or origin?
The Creator
Who is Brahma?
Priests or scholars.
Who are Brahmins?
This is Enlightenment, escape from the cycle of rebirth, in Buddhism.
What is nirvana?
This principle of the Eightfold Path forbids lies and abusive talk.
What is right speech?
This is labeled C.
What is the Pacific Ocean?
Just south of the Indus River is this hot dry area of India.
What is the Thar Desert?
The writing system of the Indus Valley River Civilization, called the Indus or Harrapan Script, is India's first writing system and cannot be this.
What is cannot be read or translated?
These sacred texts of Hinduism contain Hindu beliefs.
What is the Upanishads?
The Preserver
Who is Vishnu?
Merchants / farmers / business class.
Who are Vaishyas?
According to Buddhism, suffering is caused by this.
What is craving?
This principle of the Eightfold Path calls for a belief that all are equal.
What is right understanding?
This is labeled K.
What is South America?
In the north, this forms the highest mountain range in the world and slope southward into a large fertile plain that covers much of north India.
What is the Himalayas?
These are examples of the arts in the Indus River Valley civilization.
What are jewelry, toys, games, and dancing figures?
These sacred texts of Hinduism are a collection of religious literature (including hymns, prayers, poems, etc.) containing eternal truths.
What is the Vedas?
The Destroyer / Transformer.
Who is Shiva?
Who are the servants / peasants?
This is the name of the prince who lived a life of luxury until age 29 and would become the Buddha.
What is Siddhartha Gautama?
This principle of the Eightfold Path calls for an awareness of self, one's own feelings, thoughts, body.
What is right mindfulness?
This is labeled G.
What is Australia?
Three mountain ranges surround this river in the northwest of India.
What is the Indus River?
We can be fairly sure that the Indus River Valley Civilization had a social system because of this evidence.
What are differing housing in different neighborhoods of the cities that indicates wealthier and poorer classes?
This is what the Hindu concept of ahimsa means.
What is non-violence?
The river goddess.
Who is Ganga?
The warriors and rulers.
Who are the Kshatriyas?
This prophecy, made at his birth, set the course of the life of Siddhartha Gautama, who would become the Buddha.
What is that he would either rule the world or become an important holy man?
This principle of the Eightfold Path tells us to develop good attitudes.
What is right effort?
This is labeled L.
What is the Southern Ocean?
Moving south, this geographic feature covers most South Central India.
What is the Deccan Plateau?
This is the most impressive technology in the Indus River Valley Civilization, which wouldn't be seen again for 2000 years in the Roman Empire.
What is a sewer system?
This is what the Hindu concept of dharma means.
What is one's life's duty?
The Remover of Obstacles
Who is Ganesha?
The formal name of the outcasts, the untouchables, who do the dirtiest jobs like handling human waste.
What is Dalits?
These Buddhists choose to stay in the cycle of rebirth to help others to nirvana.
Who are Mahayana Buddhists?
This principle of the Eightfold Path admonishes Buddhists to keep a strong commitment to the teachings of Buddhism.
What is right intention?