Bell Ringers
Sample Types

What type of climate change do we have in Illinois?

Water stress and extreme heat and sometimes extreme rainfall


What is a Simple Random Sample

You pick names out of a hat (everyone has the same chance of being included)


Which types of professions have the most MEN

Defense, Transit, and Law Enforcement

What is a stratified sample for a project about students at HSA Belmont

You pick a few 7th graders, a few 8th graders, and a few 9th graders to be in your sample (a few people from each group)


Why does each individual arrow point up?

Each president gets older as they stay in charge of the country


What is a voluntary sample?

Only people who say they want to answer your questions are included in your sample (only people who volunteer)

What was the fastest marathon time for women in 2000?

Between 2:25 and 2:30 (around 2:27)


What's a systematic sample?

I sit in the hall during passing period, and grab each 10th person (or 5th person) to be a part of my sample.


Name three places that have lots of covid

New York, LA, Houston, Miami, Chicago

What's a convenience sample?

I ask the easiest / most convenient group of people, such as my friends or classmates