What is stopping the spread of communism during the Cold War?
What is Baby Boom?
A global organization meant to promote international peace and cooperation
What is UN?
Low-interest loans to WWII veterans for college tuition and home purchases
What is GI Bill?
Male gender roles of the 1950s
What is pursue a career outside the home?
The symbolic division between Eastern and Western Europe?
What is Iron Curtain?
Percentage of people living in poverty
What is poverty rate?
An alliance between Western nations opposed to communism
What is NATO?
A major medical breakthrough in the 1950s
Female gender roles of the 1950s
What is should be in charge of the household?
Accusing people of being traitors to their country without proof
What is McCarthyism?
Policy enacted under Eisenhower that removed Native Americans from reservations
What is Termination Policy?
What is the United States' foreign policy on stopping the spread of communism?
What is The Rosenbergs?
Advertisers began targeting this age group during the 1950s
What is teenagers?
Proxy War
What is a war started by a larger country that does not involve itself?
Urban Renewal
What is a program that involved clearing slums and replacing them with large, publicly funded housing projects?
The Marshall Plan
What is billions of dollars committed to helping Europe rebuild post-WWII?
What the US economy began producing after WWII ended
What is consumer goods?
Some people did not like this about the suburbs
What is homogeneity/sameness or the lack of access for minorities?
What is an economic system based on private property and free enterprise?
Consumer Society
What is a society where shopping and buying goods becomes an important part of people's lifestyles?
The Soviet response to the Western Powers creating a new West Germany
What is blockading West Berlin?
An act which aided in the development of suburbs
What is the Federal Highway Act?
A group of young writers and poets who attacked the values of mainstream society
What is the Beat Generation?