Developmental Psychology
genes/genetic factors or environment debate
What is nature vs. nurture?
__________ development involves stages that are characterized by fundamentally different thought processes
What is cognitive?
Erik Erikson's developmental stages are organized around potential turning points called
What is psychosocial crisis?
child decides if things are good or bad (moral) on the basis of whether they bring punishment or reward
What is preconventional?
TRUE or FALSE: Most psychologists believe that development is due to an interaction of nature and nurture.
What is TRUE?
development occurs gradually or how much occurs as a series of clearly defined steps
What is continuity vs. discontinuity?
When Teresa's mother hides her favorite doll under a blanket, Teresa acts as if it no longer exists, and she makes no attempt to look for it. You can infer that Teresa is in which stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?
What is sensorimotor?
"Is my world predictable and supportive?"
What is stage 1 (trust vs. mistrust)?
obey established authority
What is conventional level (stage 4)?
If Jeremy begs for a new electronic gadget, his parents nearly always buy it for him. What type of parenting style is this?
What is permissive?
parents are most likely to use strong disciplinary methods in this type of parenting style
What is authoritarian?
During the _______________ stage of cognitive development, a child's relations with the world are through physical interaction
What is sensorimotor?
Shawn is concerned with how he compares to his peer group. For example, he is always trying to kick the football farther than his friends, and he constantly wonders if he is doing as well in school as the other boys in his second grade class. According to Erikson, Shawn is most likely in the stage of __________________________.
What is industry vs. inferiority?
Judgments are based on abstract, more personal principles that aren't necessarily defined by society's laws.
What is postconventional?
child who has grown up in severe isolation with virtually no human contact
What is a feral or "wild child"?
Infant monkeys in Harry Harlow's experiments preferred which type of mother?
What is terry-cloth mother, even when the wire mother had the nursing bottle?
According to Jean Piaget, which term refers to a child applying an existing schema to a new object?
What is assimilation?
Craig is 2 years old and he likes to put on his own coat and shoes. However, his mother often becomes impatient waiting for him to get ready, and she usually finishes zipping his coat and tying his shoes for him. Based on Erikson's theory it is likely that Craig will develop feelings of _______________.
What is shame and doubt?
Personal guiding principles take precedence over laws in deciding right or wrong behavior in the __________ stage of moral reasoning.
What is postconventional?
thoughts being characterized by irreversibility is common in this stage
What is preoperational?
True or False - An infant will be able to roll over before sitting without support
What is true?
seeing everyone from your own point of view
What is egocentric?
young adult at stage 6 in Erikson's theory of psychosocial development
What is intimacy vs. isolation?
The expectations of society and society's laws are taken into account in a decision about a moral dilemma.
What is conventional?
According to research, the most advantageous parenting style for children's development is _______________.
What is authoritative, because children have boundaries that are reasonable and justified?