Often gives minimal or delayed responses to what's being said, and commonly shows lack of eye contact;
Is an example of?
Passive Listening
Whenever you listen to learn something, you are engaging in what type of listening?
Informational Listening
What stage refers to the response caused by sound waves stimulating the sensory receptors of the ear;
Telling someone what to do as in giving an order or command
What's the difference between listening and hearing?
- hearing is a physical ability, listening is a skill
- hearing refers to sound that enters you ears
-listening requires focus and concentrated effort
Being fully present in the conversation and showing interests with good eye contact;
Is an example of?
Active Listening
When the goal is to evaluate or scrutinize what is being said, and usually involves some sort of problem solving or decision making
Critical Listening
What stage is the process of accurately identifying and interpreting particular sounds we hear as words?
An attempt to draw people away from what they are experiencing by humoring, changing the subject, or withdrawing
Post- Listening
The quality of being convincing or believable;
Is an example of?
Seeking to understand what is being said, or an attempt to understand the other person is saying or feeling, and seeks to understand without judgment;
Is an example of ?
Reflective Listening
A stage in which active listeners participate, the point where the active listener weighs evidence, and sort facts from opinions
Offers a reinterpretation or explanation of what a person is saying or doing
What is the SLANT poster
Lean in and Listen
Ask and Answer Questions
Nod Your Head
Track the speaker
the action of supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way, because of allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment
Is an example of being?
Being able to listen when you don't agree, listen without reacting, and a practice that allows you to ask more informed questions and receive well thought-out answers;
Means you are a what type of listener?
Radical Listening
Stage that analyze the meaning of the stimuli we have perceived, or knowing the intended meaning and the context assumed by the sender
Consist of lecturing, arguing, given reasons, or trying to convince with logic
How many commonly roadblocks to listen did you learn?
the same thing written or spoken using different words, often in a simpler and shorter form that makes the original meaning clearer
Is an example of a?
Attempting to understand the emotions and feelings of a speaker, a way to deeply connect with a person, and often used by counselors to help understand a person;
Is engaging in what type of listening?
Therapeutic Listening
Stage that requires the receiver complete the process through verbal or non verbal feedback
Asking questions to gather facts or press for more information
What is the reflective listening formula ?
Tentative opening+feeling+About/Because/When+Thought