Making Connections
Diffusion Through a Membrane
Beaks of Finches
Relationships and Biodiversity
Gimme Points

A student lifted weights after school and found that his muscles started to burn. He couldn’t continue to lift the weights after prolonged exercising. This muscle fatigue is most likely due to

lack of oxygen and build up of waste in the muscles


This term is used to describe the movement of molecules across a membrane.

What is: diffusion

Double jeopardy: What is the term used to describe the movement of water across a membrane?


Define "competition" and provide an example in nature.

organisms/species fighting for the same resources for survival, reproduction, and growth

EX: cheetahs and lions fighting for the same food source


How do guard cells of a leaf help to maintain homeostasis in a plant?

Open and close in response to stimuli (presence of water) to either release or retain water.


What state is Ms. Herndon from?



Describe one way in which a pulse rate below 45 would disrupt homeostasis in an individual whose average resting pulse rate falls in the range of 71-80

Less blood flowing around, less oxygen, more waste building up


The diagram above represents a shrinking cell. Identify substance A and describe the concentration of dissolved inside and outside of the cell.

A: water

Inside: low(er) concentration of dissolved particles

Outside: High(er) concentration of dissolved particles.


Random mutations and new gene combinations resulting from sexual reproduction are the sources of beak variations. Describe at least two beak variations that could randomly appear and further improve your species’ chances of survival when feeding on small seeds.

- smaller

- narrower

- pointier 

(anything that makes sense)


Explain why B and C are more closely related than A and C

B and C share a more recent common ancestor than A and C


What band did Ms. Herndon make a fan website for when she was 12?

The Jonas Brothers


Using a specific example, illustrate how a feedback mechanism maintains homeostasis in a living organism

Response to stimuli to return a system to balance


Describe what would most likely happen in this system after 20 minutes.

Starch indicator would diffuse into the "cell" and turn the bag purple/black/blue.


Explain how an island could support large populations of both Large Ground Finches and Small Ground Finches

Because of their different beaks, they occupy different niches and have different food sources.


Which two bears are most closely related? Support your answer with data from the test results.

Bears 1 and 3 are most closely related because they have the most similar DNA fragment


What is Mr. Tischler's favorite football team?

The Eagles


How does blood help reduce waste in the body?

Blood provides cells with oxygen and nutrients, and removes waste

Double jeopardy: How does pulse rate relate to your circulatory system alleviating muscle fatigue?


(Required: scrap paper) On a piece of scrap paper, label the locations of glucose, starch, and iodine after an hour.


When Charles Darwin was developing his theory of evolution, he considered variations in a population important. However, he could not explain how the variations occurred. Name two processes that can result in variation in a population.

Random mutation

Sexual reproduction (recombination)


What technique is used to separate DNA for analysis?



What did Mr. Tischler study in college?



What is represented in the accompanying sequence?

Feedback mechanism/organism maintaining homeostasis


How is diffusion utilized in the circulatory system?

O2 and CO2 --> capillary membranes --> RBC membrane --> capillary membrane --> tissues


A certain chemical destroys bacteria that have thin cell walls. Bacteria with thick cell walls are not affected. Describe how the introduction of this chemical into a culture containing both types of bacteria could be used to illustrate the theory of natural selection.

The chemical would kill the bacteria with thin walls and the bacteria with thick walls would be able to reproduce.




What are Ms. Herndon and Mr. Tischler's signs?

Herndon: Gemini

Tischler: Aquarius