4.NF.1 Equivalent Fractions
4.NF.2 Compare fractions
4.NF.5 Fractions with denominators 10 and 100
4.NF.6 Rewriting fractions as decimals and decimals as fractions
4.NF.7 Compare decimals
3/4 = /16
What is 12
Which fraction is less than 1/2. A. 2/3 B. 1/4 C. 5/6 D. 6/8
What is A.1/4
True or False: 4/10 = 40/100
What is True
Colby baked the tray of 10 cookies . He ate three cookies and gave four cookies to his friend. How many cookies does Colby have left? A. 0.03 B. 0.07 C. 0.3 D. 0.7
What is C.
Which is correct? A. 0.45 < 0.55 B. 0.45 > 0.55 C. 0.55 < 0.45 D. 0.55 > 0.65
What is A. 0.45 < 0.55
1/3 = /12
What is 4
Regan, Lorie, Amy and Tamiya were eating Halloween candy. * Regan ate 2/10 of her candy * Lorie ate 2/5 of her candy * Amy ate 3/4 of her candy * Tamiya ate 1/2 of her candy. Which girl ate the most candy?
What is Amy.
3/10 = /100
What is 30
Which decimal is equivalent to 24/100. A. 0.024 B. 0.24 C. 2.4 D. 24.00
What is B.
Which number is greater than 0.39? A. 0.44 B. 0.12 C. 0.31 D. 0.09 (4.
What is A. 0.44
What is an equivalent of 4/5 if you multiply times 5.
What is 20/25
John and Timmy were having a timed race. The distance Timmy ran was farther than the distance John ran. John ran 4/9 of a mile. Which could be the distance Timmy ran? A. 1/4 mile B. 8/18 mile C. 1/5 mile D. 7/8 mile
What is D.
/10 = 50/100
What is 5
The fraction .02 is
What is 2/100
Which number sentence is true? A. 3.56 > 3.65 B. 3.65 = 3.56 C. 3.56 < 3.56 D. 3.65 > 3.56
What is D. 3.65 > 3.56
Are these fractions equivalent: 5/6 and 4/6
What is no

Order the following fractions from smallest to largest.

1/3, 4/5, 2/4, 2/5

What is 1/3, 2/5, 2/4, 4/5

Vicky poured 70/100 liter of milk into a bowl. Susan poured 2/10 liter of milk into the same bowl. What was the total amount of milk the girls poured into the bowl? A. 9/10 liters B. 9/100 liters C. 72/10 liters D. 72/100 liters
What is A.
The decimal equivalent to 79/100
What is .79
Ms. McGarr is shopping for an ice cream party. She needs to buy 4 quarts of ice cream. There are two brands of chocolate ice cream for sale. One brand costs $5.25 for a 4‐quart container. The other brand costs $1.38 for a 1‐quart container. Write a number sentence, using < , >, or = that correctly compares how much Ms. Jeffries will pay for 4 quarts of each brand.
What is $5.25 < $5.52
Are these fractions equivalent : 6/12 and 1/2
What is yes
True or False: 3/8 > 1/2
What is False
To make purple paint, Josh mixes 5/10 liter of red paint with 35/100 liter blue paint. How many liters of purple paint will he make?
What is 85/100
True or False .79 = 79/10.
What is False.
Shamya and Lilli are comparing the sizes of two pea plants. The plants are 3.45 inches tall and 3.5 inches tall. What math sentence could they write that accurately depicts a comparison of the two plants? A. 3.45 < 3.5 B. 3.45 > 3.5 C. 3.45 = 3.5 D. 3.45 + 3.5
What is A. 3.45 < 3.5