A country in which citizens elect leaders and can run for office.
A type of government in which central and local governments share power.
These were the two superpowers and major players in the Cold War
The US and the USSR
The straight line between Papua New Guinea and Indonesia
geometric boundary
An attempt to establish control of territory by sending settlers.
colonization / colonialism
A piece of a country split off from its territory by another country, such as Alaska from the US.
The strategy of the US and its allies to make sure communism did not spread
Most of the boundaries of Africa due to the Berlin Conference
A sovereign state comprising of a city and its immediately surrounding countryside.
Unit 4 vocab word that essentially means independence
The fear that if one nation became communist then the next one would too.
Domino theory
Almost any boundary that occurs relatively naturally between groups
A country that is run according to the interests of the ruler rather than the people.
A state that contains more than one group of people with a history of governing themselves
Multinational state
This was what ended the Cold War
The fall of the USSR
The boundary between the North and South in the US today
relic (relict)
A country that is not fully democratic or fully autocratic, but rather displays a mix of the two types.
The concept that ethnicity have the right to govern themselves
Self determination
Vietnam and Korea were both identified as this type of weakness in the American strategy during the Cold War.
The Pyrenes Mountains between France and Spain, or the 49th parallel between Washington and British Columbia