Carl asks his neighbor if he will mow his lawn for him every week for the rest of the summer. His neighbor says NO WAY. Then Carl asks his neighbor if he will mow his lawn this week, the neighbor reluctantly agree. This demonstrates this concept.
What is door - in - the - face phenomenon?
This hormone is associated with aggression.
What is testosterone?
The reality that we are less likely to lend a helping hand when there are many others present is explained by this concept.
What is the bystander effect?
If you listened to the presidential debate in 1960 on the radio, you probably thought Nixon won. In other words, this type of persuasion occurred.
What is central - route persuasion?
This is the population of France. (within 5 million)
What is 68 million?
Mr. Meyaard's relationship advice is simple. These three words.
What is "assume the best"?
Mimicking an aggressive act when you find yourself in a similar situation as what you viewed in the movie can be described as this.
What is a social script?
When we act in ways that cause our beliefs to be true.
What is self - fulfilling prophecy?
The famous line conformity experiment was carried out by this researcher.
Who is Solomon Asch?
There is a famous spot called the "four corners" in the United States where you can stand in these four states all at once.
What is Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico?
Let's hope we avoid this during our group projects for this unit. Nobody likes a free rider!
What is social loafing?
It is displayed when someone who is suffering from an event that bothers them, has little patience and resorts to violence.
What is the frustration - aggression principle?
Oftentimes, people help because they owe someone a favor who helped them. This can be described as this.
What is the reciprocity norm?
Sometime we conform to be liked or to fit in, other times we conform due to this.
What is informational social influence?
The famous movie quote "You can't handle the truth" comes from this film starring Tom Cruise & Jack Nicholson
What is A Few Good Men?
Jim explains that he failed his driver's test because it was rainy and windy. Jim's explanation can be described as this type of attribution.
What is external or situational attribution?
An example is when normally shy and reserved Richard went to a concert and danced and sang at the top of his lungs.
What is deindividuation?
It is what is created when one person does what is good for him, while another person does what is best for her, and their goals compete with one another.
What is a social trap?
What is authority is close in proximity, authority looks commanding, authority is backed by prestige, victim is depersonalized, no one else is disobeying.
The Punic Wars were a series of three wars fought between the Roman Republic and this Empire from 264–146 BC.
What is the Carthaginian Empire?
A country like the United States would be considered this type of culture.
What is loose culture?
In class, Mr. Meyaard mentioned this as one of the universal elements of physical attractiveness.
What is symmetry?
This was the name of the victim of the story Mr. Meyaard shared about a girl who was tragically killed in NYC.
Who is Kitty Genovese?
It is the percentage of people who were willing to deliver a shock at the highest intensity when told to do so by an experimenter.
What is 60 - 70%?
Name 2 of Mr. Meyaard's 5 favorite movies.
What is
1. Oppenheimer
2. Inception
3. Good Will Hunting
4. Saving Private Ryan
5. Interstellar