To have young, or more living things of the same kind.
What is reproduction?
This part of the plant grows down into the soil.
What is the roots?
Male structure part of the stamen that sits on top of the long filament and produces pollen.
What is the anther?
A pine tree doesn't produce flowers to reproduce, instead it produces __________.
What is cones?
A house plant that sits in front of a window will grow toward the sunlight, this is an example of the plants response to ________?
What is light or sunlight?
The part of a plant that that contains a new plant.
What is the seed?
This part of the plant captures sunlight.
What is the leaf?
The ___________ are the outer parts of a flower that cover the flower bud. They protect the flower while it is developing.
What is the sepals?
Some plants, such as ferns, produce __________ that help them reproduce.
What is spores?
The Venus Flytrap clasps its leaves closed if an insect touches the fine hairs on the inside of the leaves. For plants that eat insects, this is an important response to _________?
What is touch?
The transfer of pollen in flowers or cones.
What is pollination?
This part of the plant grows away from the ground and helps keep the plant upright.
What is the stem?
The ________, also called an egg, is inside the ovary. If pollen reaches the ovule, a seed is produced. It is a female structure.
What is the ovule?
Which structure, or part, of a fir tree holds the pollen needed for reproduction? the female cone, the male cone, the male and female cones
What is the male cone?
The roots of plants grow down toward the center of the earth in response to __________?
What is gravity?
The process when male and female reproductive parts join together after pollination occurs.
What is fertilization?
This part of the plant attracts insect.
What is the flower?
This is the female part of the flower that contains the ovary, ovule, style, and stigma.
What is the pistil?
What is the function of a spore? a.) spores fertilize eggs, which then makes new ferns b.) spores become structures that release sperm cells and egg cells c.) spores fertilize sperm cells, which then make new ferns
What is b.) spores become structures that release sperm cells and eggs.
A plant produces fruit or seeds that float. Which is the most likely way its seeds are moved from one place to another?
What is by water?
A reproductive structure of some plants, such as mosses and ferns, that can form a new plant.
What is a spore?
Examples of this type of root include carrots and radish. It absorbs water and also stores food and water for the plant.
What is a taproot?
The male part of the flower that contains the anther and the filament.
What is the stamen?
Where are spores stored on plants?
What is the underside of their leaves, or fronds?
A plant produces berries that have seeds inside them. How are these seeds most likely moved from one place to another?
What is by animals?