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Name of the single landmass or supercontinent that joined the continents together about 300 million years ago.
What is Pangaea?
The process of denser oceanic crust sinking below a continental or younger oceanic plate at a convergent boundary
What is subduction?
the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and uppermost mantle.
What is the lithosphere?
The type of tectonic plate boundary where the most earthquakes happen
What is transform?
The shaking and trembling that happens from the movement of rock and the release of built-up pressure beneath Earth's surface.
What is an earthquake?
The movement of Earth's plates is caused by this driving force in the upper mantle that causes hot rock to rise and cooler rock to sink.
What are convection currents?
These underwater landforms are created as a result of molten material rising from the mantle and erupting along the seafloor.
What are mid-ocean ridges?
theory that explains that Earth's rigid outermost shell is broken up into pieces that are in slow and constant motion
What is Plate Tectonics?
The land feature made when two continental plates collide at a convergent boundary
What is a mountain?
A crack or fracture in the lithosphere where earthquakes are common, such as the San Andreas one in California
What is a fault line?
Boundary formed by two plates dividing or moving apart from each other
What is a divergent boundary?
Discovered by Harry Hess; the process of new oceanic crust being made through volcanic activity, cooling, and then moving outward over time
What is seafloor spreading?
Theory proposed by Alfred Wegener that used similar fossils and mountain ranges found on different continents as evidence
What is continental drift?
The land feature made at a divergent boundary when two oceanic plates move apart and seafloor spreading occurs
What is a ridge?
The point directly above the focus of an earthquake.
What is epicenter?
Boundary made from two plates colliding or coming together
What is a convergent boundary?
A major area in the Pacific Ocean basin where many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur.
What is the Ring of Fire?
process that used the magnetic striping of oceanic crust and age differences of rocks near mid-ocean ridges as evidence
What is seafloor spreading?
The land feature made at a convergent boundary between an oceanic plate and another plate colliding
What is a trench?
the vibrational waves of energy caused by the sudden breaking of rock within the earth or an explosion
What are seismic waves?
A break in the Earth's lithosphere along which rocks move
What is a fault?
the area at plate edges where oceanic crust is recycled back into the mantle at a trench
What are subduction zones?
the fluid/softer upper layer of the mantle that tectonic plates float on top of
What is the asthenosphere?
The land feature made at a divergent boundary when two continental plates spread apart
What is a rift valley?
Places where tectonic plates interact and the most seismic activity occurs.
What are plate boundaries?