Reform Ideas
Stuff That Didn't Fit

This individual was a prominent civil rights leader, co-founder of the NAACP, and believed African Americans should FIGHT for equality.

Who is WEB Dubois


This amendment granted universal women's suffrage in the United States

what is the 19th amendment

Procedure by which voters can remove an elected official from office through a direct vote

What is Recall


Wrote "The Jungle", exposed problems within the meatpacking industry

Who is Upton Sinclair


This was the nick-name behind Theodore Roosevelt's third party or progressive party that led to Woodrow Wilson's victory in the 1912 election.

what is the Bull Moose Party


This individual was a Muckraker that exposed lynch mobs in the South, and worked closely with the NAACP to spread awareness of the early civil rights movement

Who is Ida B. Wells 


This amendment banned the selling, production, and transportation of alcohol

What is the 18th amendment


This progressive era reform was the second of these two landmark "Anti-Trust Act" regulations, this was introduced to protect unions and increase federal power over business to fight monopolies

Clayton Anti Trust Act


Wrote "History of the Standard Oil Company" and exposed John Rockefeller

Who is Ida Tarbell


Drew political cartoons in an effort to expose Boss Tweed and the political corruption in the Tammany Hall ring. Father of the modern day santa claus

Who is Thomas Nast


This civil rights leader believed African Americans should EARN equality through economic independence, later on helped establish the Tuskeegee Institute 

Who is Booker T. Washington


This amendment required the two senators of each state, to be directly elected by the people

What is the 17th amendment


This progressive era reform allows citizens to draft a legislative bill or amendment by which they propose by petition

What is Initiative 


Wrote "The Shame of Our Cities", and exposed corruption in city governments

Who is Lincoln Steffens


Act of Congress that created and established the central banking system of the United States, granted it legal authority to issue legal tender (US dollars)

What is the Federal Reserve Act


This individual's establishment of the "Hull House", helped spark the "Settlement House" movement in America, aimed at assimilating immigrants.

Who is Jane Addams


This amendment granted the federal government the ability to collect taxes on income 

What is the 16th Amendment


allow voters in a state to directly vote on a proposal or political question 

What is referendum


This muckraker attempted to alleviate the bad living conditions of poor people by exposing their living conditions in New York City to the middle and upper classes through his photography

Who is Jacob Riis


Which political party was separated by Theodore Roosevelt's progressive party? This led the way for Woodrow Wilson's victory in the 1912 presidential election

What is the Republican Party


The progressive governor of Wisconsin. Helped establish the ideas behind "initiative, referendum, and recall"

Who is Robert LaFollette


These two amendments were opposed by prominent women's suffragists, and believed that the word "male" needed to be taken out before passage.

What is the 14th & 15th amendment


This progressive reform or "act", required that politicians be given positions based on merit and not political affiliation. Helped alleviate the problems of the spoils system by requiring civil service exams for government jobs.

Pendleton Civil Service Act


These two acts were established in response to Upton Sinclair's The Jungle (Both signed into law by Theodore Roosevelt on the same day)

What is the Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act


Theodore Roosevelt pushed his agenda through this humbly named "deal", by addressing child labor, nature conservation, and public health concerns in his political actions. (L x W)

What is Square Deal