Dose Limits
Equipment Design for Radiation Protection
Managing Patient Radiation Dose
Managing Imaging Personnel Radiation Dose

What agency is responsible for enforcing radiation safety standards?



Primary radiation barriers must be at least how high?

7 feet


What does NRC stand for?

Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Female reproductive organs receive about ____ times more exposure during a given radiographic procedure involving the pelvic region?

3 times


True or false?

Only the protective lead that the technologist use needs to be hung or draped, patient shields can be store in any fashion.

False, all protective lead apparel should be stored correctly to preserve the integrity of the product


The NCRP recommends that radiation exposure be kept at what level?

As Low As Reasonably Achievable


How much filtration must be permanently installed in the path of the useful beam of the fluoroscopic unit?

Minimum of 2.5 mm total Aluminum


The monthly EqD to an embryo-fetus should not exceed what?

0.5 mSv


For safeguarding the ovaries where should the lead shield be located?

Approximately 2.5cm medial to each palpable superior iliac spine


When positioning the C-Arm, where should the X-ray tube & image intensifier be located?

X-ray tube under the table, Image intensifier over the table


What is the annual occupational effective dose that applies to radiographers during routine operations?

50 mSv


In diagnostic radiology which radiation sources pose the greatest occupational hazard for the radiographer?

Scatter radiation sources


Which agency is responsible for regulations regarding employees' right to know about hazards that may be present in the workplace?



What kind of approach is essential in-patient care during diagnostic x-ray procedures?

A holistic approach


What amount of lead equivalency must be met during a fluoro exam for an Apron, Gloves & Thyroid shield respectively?

Apron at least 0.25mm

Gloves at least 0.25mm

Thyroid shield 0.5mm


Fundamental radiation protection standards governing occupational radiation exposure may be found in what document?

10 CFR 20


The lead glass window of the control booth barrier typically consists of how much Aluminum?

1.5 mm


Which group is responsible for providing clear and consistent radiation protection guidance through recommendations for occupational dose limits and public dose limits?



In fluoroscopy, the amount of radiation that a patient receives at the entrance surface of the skin is usually estimated how?

By measuring the radiation exposure rate at the tabletop (based upon ionization chamber measurements as part of routine equipment surveys) and multiplying by the fluoroscopy time


The control booth barrier for the protection of the radiographer must have what two things?

1) Extend at least 2.1 meters upward from the floor

2) Must be permanently secured to the floor


Which group is responsible for reviewing studies of biologic effects of ionizing effects and risk assessment?



Name 2 advantages of beam restriction?

1) Less scatter radiation is produced

2) Less biologic tissue is irradiated


Name the 4 areas of the body that should be shielded from the useful beam whenever possible?

1) Thyroid gland

2) Lens of the eye

3) Breasts

4) Reproductive organs


Name 3 ways patient exposure can be substantially reduced?

Use of proper body (part) immobilization/motion reduction techniques

Appropriate beam limitation

Adequate filtration of the x-ray beam

Use of gonadal or other specific area shielding

Selection of suitable technical factors used in conjunction with computer-generated digital images

Use of appropriate digital image processing

Elimination of repeat radiographic exposures


What two things can be achieved by using high kVp & a lower mAs than the other way around?

1) Less side scatter radiation will be produced

2) The potential EqD is reduced