Career Exploration
Job Search Process
Time Management
Body Language/ NonVerbal Communication

How many career clusters did we learn about



What writing tool should be used to fill out a job application

Blue or black pen


What is the difference between urgent and important?

Urgent is something with a deadline attached to it but important is something that is valuable in content but does not have a deadline


True or False. Body language also includes using gestures and facial expressions.



What is the definition of hard skills

Hard skills are teachable abilities or skill sets that are learned through experience, the classroom, books, or other training materials


What is the difference between a job an occupation

A job is usually short-term work you do for money 

An occupation is a long-term job that requires specific training or education


Give an example of a method for finding job postings

Newspaper, online job search engine, Help Wanted signs in windows, word of mouth (etc.)


What is the definition of delegating?

Delegating means letting others do things for you that are on your “to do” list


Describe appropriate body language during an interview

Sit upright (good posture), maintain eye contact, smile, keep arms and legs relaxed (etc.)


What was your favorite activity/lesson we have done so far in Career Exploration

All nice answers get points!


Why do people work?

To earn money, to provide for their family, to be happy and feel good about themselves, to gain knowledge and experience (etc.)


Name 2 things you have learned about references?

You should have 2-3, references should not be related to you, you should always ask your references if they are comfortable being your reference, thank your reference after each time an employer reaches out to them, and references should have interacted with you recently (etc.)


What is the definition of procrastinating?

Putting off things on your To Do list until the very last minute


Describe an assertive communication style

Answers may vary*** When you stand up for yourself and your rights in a respectful way, when you search for compromise, when you respond to a situation in the "just right" way


Name something you would like to cook or bake in class 

(We may not cook it, I am just looking for ideas)

Answers may vary


What is difference between a wage and a salary

A wage is what you get paid per hour you work but a salary is broken up in equal parts over one full year


Name three interview "Do's"

Shake interviewer’s hand/ Greeting, Dress appropriately and professional, Have a positive attitude, Write a thank you note after the interview, Sit properly, You make eye-contact, Smile, Bring a resume with you (etc.)


Name 2 time management strategies

Create a To-do list, eliminate distractions, avoid multitasking, learn to say no (don't spread yourself too thin), get a good night's sleep, study in shorter intervals, delegate


Give an example of a passive way of responding to this scenario:

You're standing in line at the grocery store and someone cuts in front of you without saying anything and pretend like you're not there

Answers may vary***

"Excuse me, but I was standing in line"


On a scale of 1-5 how confident do you feel with filling out a job application

Answers may vary


How do people decide if a specific occupation is right for them?

Answers may vary*** They match their skills, interests, and values with an occupation that would suit them. (etc.)


How many pages should a resume be?



Name 3 benefits of having good time management skills

More free time, less stress, never missing deadlines, productivity etc.

Body language is another form of nonverbal communication that shows how someone is _________.



True or False - Employers look for candidates that have the most valuable hard skills

False - Employers care more about soft skills because hard skills are teachable