Continental Drift
Seafloor Spreading
Plate Tectonics
True or False

Alfred Wegener

What is the name of the scientist who came up with the theory of Continental Drift?


Hot, less dense magma below earth's crust rises to the surface at the mid ocean ridges, flows sideways, carrying the seafloor away from the ridge in both directions.

What is the theory of Seafloor Spreading?

The names of the 3 types of plate boundaries.
What is divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries?

Albert Einstein stated that there was a geographic change in the seafloor and the ocean floor was spreading to make new forms___________.

False . Harry Hess

The cycle of heating, cooling, and sinking thought to be the force moving the tectonic plates.
What are convection currents?
The name of the "supercontinent" that existed 200 million years ago
What is Pangaea?
The name of the scientist who came up with the theory of Seafloor Spreading.
Who is Harry Hess?

When a dense, oceanic plate converges with a less dense plate, the oceanic plate sinks under the less dense plate.

What is a Subduction Zone?


Alfred Wegener provided evidence from landforms, fossils, and climate in support of his theory of the shrinking Earth.

False, Continental drift

The type of boundary where mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys are found.
What is a divergent plate boundary?
The theory that all continents were once connected as one large landmass that moved to their present location over 200 million years.
What is the theory of Continental Drift?

The process of _________________________ continually adds new crust to the ocean floor along both sides of the mid-ocean ridge.

sea-floor spreading

The type of plate boundary found at a Subduction Zone.
What is a convergent plate boundary?

Along a divergent boundary, two plates slip past each other, moving in opposite directions.

False, Transform boundary

The type of plate boundary where mountain ranges form.
What is a convergent plate boundary?

Why did most people not accept Alfred Wegener's theory of Continental Drift?

No one could explain how or why the continents moved.

Seafloor spreading happens at this type of plate boundary.
What is a divergent boundary?
When plates slide past each other in opposite directions, or move in the same direction at different speeds.
What is a transform boundary?

The place where two plates move away from each other forming new ocean floor is the transform boundary.

False. Divergent boundaries


the name of the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago

What is Pangaea?

These are the 4 pieces of evidence supporting Wegener's theory of Continental Drift.
What is the puzzle-like fit of continents, fossil clues, climate clues, and rock clues?
This theory helped prove Alfred Wegener's theory.
What is the theory of Seafloor Spreading?

The earth's crust and part of upper mantle are broken into large sections called plates that move on the plastic-like layer of the mantle.

What is the theory of Plate Tectonics?


Along the Mid-Atlantic ridge, the North American plate and the Eurasian plate are moving apart at a very slow rate



A rift valley forms at a

What is a divergent plate boundary