Point of View
Figurative Language

What is the best way to rewrite this sentence?

A - Yesterday, Brady work late at the market

B - Yesterday, Brady worked late at the market

C - Yesterday, Brady will work late at the market

D - Yesterday, Brady has worked late at the market.

B - Yesterday, Brady worked late at the market


Perspective is another word for point of view?

A - True

B - False

A - True


Which figure of speech uses like or as in its comparison?

A - Metaphor 

B - Personification 

C - Simile

D - Exaggeration 

C - Simile


Which of these is NOT part of an argumentative essay introduction?

A - Hook

B - Summarize the Issue

C - Claim

D - Evidence

D - Evidence


In “Animal Wisdom,” which line from the text best supports the idea that Turtle doesn’t like to rush?

A - Line 1

B - Line 3

C - Line 5

D - Line 10

C - Line 5


Which two verbs both show present tense?

A - has been and chases 

B - is and has chased 

C - will be and will chase 

D - is and chases

D - is and chases


The narrator is NOT inside the story and only knows the thoughts and feelings of one character.

A - 1st Person

B - 2nd Person

C - 3rd Person Limited

D - 3rd Person Objective 

C - 3rd Person Limited


Choose which figure of speech appears in this sentence: “The stars were sparkling and winking at us all.”

A - Metaphor

B - Simile

C - Personification

D - Exaggeration

C - Personification


Which of these phrases would be good to use to cite text evidence?

A - In other words,

B - In conclusion,

C - According to the text,

D - In my opinion,

C - According to the text,


From the story Pax, which detail first indicates to the fox that this car trip will be different from the others?

A - The boy’s suitcase beside them in the car

B - Unfamiliar scents from outside the car 

C - The boy crying but not in pain

D - The boy not being as calm as usual

D - The boy not being as calm as usual


Which pair of words correctly completes this sentence? 

I walked ___ miles; my dog Barlow came along, _____

A - to, too

B - two, to

C - two, too

D - too, to 

C - two, too


The students in room H-5 all went outside to play for recess. Freddy zoomed around the court. Jill walked around singing, and Melody practiced words with Catherine. Which POV is this sentence?

A - 3rd Person Objective

B - 1st Person

C - 3rd Person Limited 

D - 2nd Person

A - 3rd Person Objective


Choose which figure of speech appears in this sentence: “Jake was like a whirlwind, rushing from one activity to the next.”

A - Simile

B - Metaphor

C - Personification 

D - Exaggeration 

A - Simile


What is the purpose of an argumentative essay?

A - To persuade the reader

B - To entertain the reader 

C - To tell an interesting story 

D - To give information about a topic 

A - To persuade the reader


In “Animal Wisdom,” which phrase best paraphrases what people feel is missing?

A - Defending the earth 

B - Taking time to explore

C - Noticing beauty in nature

D - Resolving disagreements

C - Noticing beauty in nature


In which answer choice are both underlined words spelled correctly?

A - I advise you to put your wallet away before you lose it

B - Alright, who cut a piece of the cake I baked?

C - The weather today is all together fantastic! 

D - If you think that will bother my conscious, your wrong

A - I advise you to put your wallet away before you lose it


When the narrator tells the story to another character using the word 'you' or 'your'. The author could be talking to the audience as well. Which POVis this?

A - 1st Person

B - 3rd Person

C - 2nd Person

D - 3rd Person Objective 

C - 2nd Person


____________________ is when you give human-like qualities to something that is not human.

A - Alliteration

B - Personification

C - Metaphor

D - Hyperbole 

B - Personification


Which quote support the claim that we should stop using screens for a week?

A - "Screens cause students to be distracted and they cannot learn as well."

B - "Technology has become more advanced in the past ten years."

C - "Screens allow students to find information quickly and efficiently."

D - "Screens on cell phones have become larger in the past few years."

A - "Screens cause students to be distracted and they cannot learn as well."


The imagery in the first stanza of “The Last Wolf” helps the reader understand what the —

A - city looks like

B - speaker looks like

C - wolf looks like as it moves

D - speaker’s home looks like

A - city looks like


What changes, if any, should be made to this sentence?

“I except their counsel and will affect changes right away.”

A - Change affect to effect and right to write

B - Change except to accept and affect to effect

C - Change except to accept and their to they’re

D - Make no change

B - Change except to accept and affect to effect


In the story Pax, what effect does the point of view have on the reader in paragraph 10? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.

A - The story is written from third-person limited point of view, from the perspective of the fox.  The fox does not understand what his boy’s father says, “didn’t match his hard lie-scent.”

B - The story is written in second person point of view, talking to you, the reader from the story.  “You would never have guessed the boy’s father didn’t match his hard lie-scent.”

C - The story is written in first person point of view, told from the perspective of the boy.  “I never would’ve guessed my father’s hard lie-scent.”

A - The story is written from third-person limited point of view, from the perspective of the fox.  The fox does not understand what his boy’s father says, “didn’t match his hard lie-scent.”


The repetition of the initial consonant sound in two or more neighboring words or syllables

A - Onomatopoeia

B - Simile

C - Alliteration

D - Personification 

C - Alliteration


Which piece of evidence best supports the claim that we should have sports in middle school?

A - "In schools that have sports, students attend games after school."

B - "School sports include volleyball, soccer, basketball and tennis."

C - 'When schools have sports programs, the school must spend money on coaches and equipment."

D - "Research shows that school sports increase student interest in school."

D - "Research shows that school sports increase student interest in school."


What is one difference between how humans are portrayed in “Animal Wisdom” and how they are portrayed in “The Last Wolf”?

A - Humans are destructive in “Animal Wisdom” but constructive in “The Last Wolf.”

B - Humans are controlling in “Animal Wisdom” but passive in “The Last Wolf.”

C - Humans are struggling with nature in “Animal Wisdom” but commanding of nature in “The Last Wolf.”

D - Humans are part of the solution in “Animal Wisdom” but part of the problem in “The Last Wolf.”

D - Humans are part of the solution in “Animal Wisdom” but part of the problem in “The Last Wolf.”