increases a person's knowledge and intellectual skill
what is cognitive learning
into the SQ tissue, just below the skin, onset is faster than oral, pinch the skin
what is subcutaneous
The breaking down of a medication into a less active form that is easier for the body to excrete
what is metabolism
highest level of concentration
what is the peak
patient, drug, dose, time, route, administration
what are the 6 rights of medication administration
developing motor skills that require coordination and both physical and mental capabilities
what is psychomotor learning
into the muscle
what is intramuscular
Unfavorable physiological response to an allergen to which a person has been previously exposed and has developed antibodies
what is an allergic reaction
the length of time the drug exerts a therapeutic effect
what is duration of action
patient name, day, month, year, name of the drug, dosage, frequency, method of administration, signature of ordering physician
what are essential elements of a medication order
expressing feelings and developing values, beliefs, and attitudes that may change behavior
what is affective learning
under the epidermis, 10-15 degree angle
Unpredictable effects (patient can overreact or underreact to medication or has different than normal reaction)
what is idiosyncratic reaction
what is the trough level
"The cognitive and social skills that determine motivation and ability of individuals to gain access to, understand, and use information in ways that promote and maintain good health."
demonstration, practice
what is psychomotor learning
into the vein, effective immediately
Passage of medication molecules into the blood from the site of medication administration
what is absorption
the time interval required for the body's elimination processes to reduce the concentration of the drug in the body by one half
what is half life
Do not crush. Prevents breakdown in the stomach and decreases the possibility of GI distress
what is enteric coated pills
role play
what is affective learning
aspirate 2 to 5 seconds, observe for blood in syringe, 90 degree angle
what is intramuscular
The process of the drug leaving the body.
what is excretion
the time it takes a drug to reach the minimum effective concentration to produce drug effects
what is the onset
deltoid, vastus lateralis, ventrogluteal
what are intramuscular sites