Shifting Decimals
#19 (page 187)
left, two places
#8 (page 184)
5 x 0.03
50 x 0.3
3 x 50
300 x 5
500 x 30
#18 (page 187)
#9 (page 185)
B, C, E
#22 (page 188)
#15 (page 186)
The digits shift to the right once, so the decimal shifts to the left once.
#24 (page 188)
less than because 0.1 is less than 1
#23 (page 188)
207.9 grams
#1 (page 183)
43: D,E
430: B,C
4,300: A,F
#20 (page 188)
Answer: 63,616
Estimate: 64,000
527.2 x 0.01
#17 (page 187)
F, D, C, B, A, E
#2 (page 183)
Yes! He will have $1,534 which is greater than his goal of $1,500.
#4 (page 186)
A, C
1/6 x 4 1/2