All water on earth, regardless of condition or location is considered a part of this sphere.
What reaction will separate elemental carbon from carbon dioxide?
The water cycle exists because a certain amount of freshwater is available to living things. What percent of all water on Earth is it?
Why does matter need to cycle through living things?
The Law of Conservation
What chemical reaction removes carbon from the atmosphere and packages it into living things?
Which reaction extracts energy from molecules for living cells to use?
The three steps for the water cycle are....?
Evaporation - Condensation - Precipitation
What are the 2 basic inputs for humans, animals, and decomposers?
Glucose and Oxygen
How can carbon be delivered from the geosphere to the atmosphere?
Volcanic Eruptions or Volcanoes
What chemical reaction rearranges the atoms of glucose and oxygen into carbon dioxide, water, and usable energy?
What are the two most important reasons the carbon cycle exists?
Climate regulation and complex molecules
What are the 3 basic inputs for plants?
Carbon Dioxide, Water, and Sunlight
What 2 spheres does nature use as a place to "store" carbon?
Biosphere and Geosphere
Nitrogen fixating bacteria are used in what real world process investigate by our case study?
Water Treatment/Filtration
This cycle is responsible for making an element bioavailable for plants to build their chloroplasts.
Nitrogen Cycle
Which life forms use carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen?
Plants, Animals, Humans, and Decomposers
How can carbon move from the hydrosphere into the biosphere?
This blood protein cannot do its job (delivering oxygen to body cells) if there are too many nitrates in your water.
Ammonia (NH3)