What is a noun?
a person, place, thing or idea
Who/What is this sentences about?
I enjoy pizza with sausage and pepperoni.
Who: I
What: enjoy pizza with sausage and pepperoni
What is the plural of mouse?
My dad is sleeping, he will take us to the mall when he awakes.
My dad is sleeping. He will take us to the mall when he awakes.
My dad is sleep, (conjunction) he will take use to the mall when he awakes.
What do you call a bear with no teeth?
A gummy bear.
What is a verb?
an action, linking or helping word
Who/What is this sentences about?
Juan and his dog walk through the park at night.
Who: Juan and his dog
What: walk through the park at night
How do you make this verb past tense?
My uncle is a positive person and he really believes in itself.
My uncle is a positive person and he really believes in himself.
What do you call a sad strawberry?
A blueberry.
What is an adverb?
words that describe verbs, adjectives and other adverbs
Who/What is this sentences about?
The event stated late but was interesting to watch.
Who: The event
What: started late, was interesting to watch
What is the past tense of teach?
My sister loves to watch Netflix she loves watching.
My sister loves to watch Netflix.
What can you catch and not throw?
A cold
What is an ECR?
Extended Constructed Response - ESSAY
Who/What is this sentences about?
My cousin saw a squirrel that was running, jumping, and playing all at the same time.
Who: My cousin
What: saw a squirrel doing things
What is the plural of fish?
My sister and I are going out this weekend, and they'll go shopping and to a fancy place for dinner.
My sister and I are going out this weekend, and we'll go shopping and to a fancy place for dinner.
What 4 letter word helps makes verbs into the future?
What is an ARMS questions?
A revision question
A question that ask us to make big changes to a text
Who/What is this sentences about?
Sit down and be quiet.
What: Sit down and be quiet.
How do you make good comparative?
Luciano plays Fortnite with his friends, and he is very bad at it.
How many sisters and brothers does Mr. Campbell have?