Georgia's contribution to WWI
New Deal and the Great Depression
Important Figures of the Time.
Georgia's role in WWII
All things Economics

Camp Gordon, Fort Benning, Fort Stewart and Fort McPherson.

What are Military Training Camps?


The insect that destroyed cotton crops.

What is the Boll Weevil?


Georgia govenor that opposed the New Deal due to his opposition of governement spending and programs benefitting African Americans.

Who is Eugene Tamadge?


The shift in the American public's opinion regarding military intervention overseas.

What is the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor (U.S. Soil)


What usually motivates entrepreneurs to improve goods and services or create new ones.

What is Profit?


Contributions of WWI.

What is Military Service, Economic Support, and Women's Role?


Georgia figure that invested in Warm Springs, Ga due to the belief of healing properties that could assist in his polio. 

Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?


U.S. Representive known as "father of the two-ocean navy" that stated "The most expensive thing in the world is a cheap army and navy." His efforts to shift funding to the military contributed to the expansion of aircraft and ship manufacturing in the state.

Who is Carl Vinson?


Program that helped supply the allies in return of access to military facilities.

What is the Lend Lease Act?


The chance of losing something.

What is risk?


During the 1920s this led to a drop in prices. Farmers, already burdened by debt, could not sell their crops for enough money to sustain their businesses. This led to widespread poverty in rural areas and contributed to the overall economic downturn.

What is overproduction and falling prices?


Raise crop prices by paying farmers to grow less food?

What is the Agricultural Adjustment Act?


Atlanta mayor who was commited to making Atlanta a regional aviation center.

Who is William B. Hartsfield?


 A factor that caused a population change in Georgia  due to the new agricultural technologies.


What is migration from rural areas to cities?

Georgia's main transportation systems.

What is the Interstate Highway System, Railroads, Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, and Deepwater Ports?


The year the United States entered into WWI.

What is 1917?


Provide jobs for unemployed young men, was also active in Georgia in areas like flood prevention and road construction.

What is the Civilian Conservation Corp?


Atlanta mayor that brought professional sports teams to the city, helping Atlanta create the infrastructure that would allow it to host the Olympics; he also intergrated the fire department.

Who is Ivan Allen Jr.?


The plant created numerous jobs and employed many people in the state.

What is the Bell Bomber Plant?


Georgia based companies.

What is Home Depot, Chick-fil-A, Delta Airlines, or Coca Cola?


The years of WWI.

What is 1914-1918?


Contributions of the Great Depression.

What is Stock Market Crash, bank failures, and massive unemployment?


The senetor that used his influence to secure increased military investment in the state.

Who is Richard Russell?


Deepwater ports, where liberty ships for the war efforts that helped create thousands of jobs in the cities' shipyards.

What is the Savannah and Brunswick?


Explain the connection between risk, profit and incentive.

Profit is the incentive of starting a business, while the risk is the possibility of loss from starting the business.