Attitude/Social Situations

When you explain someone's behavior based on their lasting traits, you are making this type of attribution. 

What is dispositional?


This is the belief that you get what you deserve. 

What is the just-world phenomenon?


Liz is emotionally unstable, constantly worrying about her job and coming up with worst-case scenarios in her head. She would likely rank high in this personality trait. 

What is neuroticism?


Hunger is an example of this, according to drive reduction theory.

What is a drive?


People from these types of cultures express emotions more openly and intensely.

What are individualist cultures?


Your tendency to attribute others' behavior to dispositional rather than situational factors reflects this. 

What is the fundamental attribution error?


When I asked my students to join the track team for the rest of their high school careers, they said no. When I requested that they try it for one season, they were then more likely to say yes. This phenomenon is reflected here

What is the door-in-the-face technique?

A humanistic, or person-centered approach to personality emphasizes the importance of someone becoming their best self, also known as this.

What is self-actualization?


Billy is choosing between dumplings in the hot food line and chicken nuggets at the action station, two lunch options he likes. He is experiencing this. 

What is approach-approach conflict?


According to this concept, if I smile, I will feel happier.

What is facial feedback effect?


This effect refers to increased liking for a stimuli after repeated exposure to it. 

What is the mere exposure effect?


A lack of dissenting ideas and a desire to maintain harmony in a decision-making group can lead to this. 

What is groupthink?


When I got rejected from Duke University, I said I didn't want to go that far from home anyways. I am using this ego defense mechanism.

What is rationalization?


Our drives seek to maintain this within the body.

What is homeostasis?


These are culture-specific norms/guidelines for emotional expression.

What are display rules?


When Tim passes a test, he says it is because he is a great student. When he fails, he blames the teacher for making a difficult test. Tim is exhibiting this. 

What is self-serving bias?


When you experience this, you may change your beliefs to match your behaviors and vice versa.

What is cognitive dissonance?


When putting together a personality test, Dr. Doofenshmirtz uses this technique to group similar items together in clusters representing a dimension of personality. 

What is factor analysis?


This concept states that peak performance comes at intermediate levels of stress. 

What is Yerkes-Dodson Law?


This brain structure controls the release of hormones implicated in hunger.

What is the hypothalamus?


If you believe you have influence over situations and experiences in your life, you are said to have this. 

What is internal locus of control?


A survey showed that many students believe all Suffield Academy students are stuck up and poor sports. This concept is reflected here. 

What is outgroup homogeneity bias?


Sophie is a quiet student in French class, and she does not participate in class and ask clarifying questions. As a result, she performs worse on assessments and begins to doubt her French abilities. This scenario reflects this concept when explaining Sophie's personality and behavior in French class.

What is reciprocal determinism?


This theory explains that people are motivated intrinsically and extrinsically.

What is self-determination theory?


When you label your emotional arousal according to the situation, you are engaging in this. 

What is cognitive appraisal?