Revising (1)
Editing (1)
Inferences (2)
Author's Purpose (2)
Terms (2)

The word Likewise is not an effective transition in sentence 30. Which transition word or phrase should replace Likewise?

A) However

B) For this reason

C) On the other hand

D) Nevertheless

B) For this reason


What change, if any, needs to be made in sentence 4?

F Change benefitial to beneficial

G Insert a comma after people

H Change healthier to healthiest

J No change is needed in sentence 4.

F Change benefitial to beneficial


Based on the information presented in the essay, what is one message the reader can infer?

A) Avoiding competition is better than participating when failure is certain.

B) Being rewarded simply for participating belittles the efforts of the winners.

C) Persistence ensures that a loser will eventually become a winner.

D) Satisfaction comes from being dedicated and doing your best.

D) Satisfaction comes from being dedicated and doing your best.


What is the main idea of the selection?

F) Children usually develop friendships with others who have similar abilities.

G) Parents should encourage their children to be active because fitness is important.

H) People should celebrate their best efforts even if they don’t always succeed.

J) People who consistently win competitions as children have lifelong advantages over those who don’t.

H) People should celebrate their best efforts even if they don’t always succeed.


When writing an argumentative response, a writer should always make a  ________ (clear opinion) and support it with proper __________.

Claim, evidence


What is the most effective way to write sentence 11?

A) He wanted to do something that solves practical problems, not only have a positive social impact.

B) He wanted to do something that not only solves practical problems but could have a positive social impact.

C) Solving practical problems that could have a positive social impact is what something he wanted to do.

D) Doing something that solves practical problems, but could have a social impact is what he wanted.

B) He wanted to do something that not only solves practical problems but could have a positive social impact.


What change, if any, needs to be made in sentence 26?

F Change minimal to minamal

G Change are to were

H Delete the comma after appropriate

J No change is necessary.

H Delete the comma after appropriate


What can the reader conclude from paragraph 3?

A) The author’s education did not fully prepare him for living in the real world.

B) The author was better at sports than at academics while growing up.

C) Educational priorities at elite schools differ from those in public schools.

D) Students in England are required to attend school through the university level.

A) The author’s education did not fully prepare him for living in the real world.


Which quotation best supports the main idea?

F) At school I was fortunate to win enough to balance all the times I lost, and I began to believe in this idea.

G) Our family enjoys a large house with a great running track.

H) Naomi and Kean have always been fast runners and very evenly matched, too.

J) I believe in celebrating those that finish third in a three-horse race.

J) I believe in celebrating those that finish third in a three-horse race.


Logos, ethos, and pathos are examples of...

Persuasive appeals


Veronica wants to improve the transition between the third paragraph (sentences 10-13) and fourth paragraph (sentences 14-19). Which sentence should replace sentence 14 to accomplish this goal?

A) After six years of being his own boss, Nyakarundi was prepared to take on a new challenge.

B) Interestingly, the second business Nyakarundi started was in the field of technology.

C) Of course, Nyakarundi had proven his success in trucking, and so a new project was bound to succeed.

D) Having grown interested in other things, Nyakarundi made the choice finally to do more stuff.

A) After six years of being his own boss, Nyakarundi was prepared to take on a new challenge.


What change should be made in sentence 30?

A Change poet to Poet

B Change until to Until

C Change one’s to ones’

D Change remains to remained

B Change until to Until


The author includes quotations in paragraph 8 primarily to —

A) highlight that Naomi and Kean rarely agree

B) emphasize Cyrus’s noncompetitive nature

C) point out the author’s concern for Cyrus

D) reveal Naomi’s and Kean’s athletic abilities

B) emphasize Cyrus’s noncompetitive nature


What is the author’s purpose for mentioning the children’s race through the house?

F) To illustrate that some children value fun above competition

G) To emphasize that his child is athletically superior to her friends

H) To highlight that children often disregard household rules

J) To show that children lack concerns about safety when competing

F) To illustrate that some children value fun above competition


Read the following dictionary entry:


1. to declare or make legal

2. prove or confirm to be true

3. approve an expressed agreement

4. mark with an indication of being official

Which definition best matches the use of the word validated in paragraph 3?

F) Definition 1

G) Definition 2)

H) Definition 3

I) Definition 4

G) Definition 2