Unit 4
Unit 4
Unit 4
Unit 4
Unit 4
Masculine signs are located (nose up, by the nose, or nose down) on the face.
What is nose up?
Feminine signs are located (nose up, by the nose, or nose down) on the face.
What is nose down?
What percentages of Deaf parents have Deaf children?
What is 10%
What percentages of Deaf parents have hearing children?
What is 90%
True or False. You do switch your dominant and non-dominant hands when using the Shoulder-Shifting.
What is False.
A hearing child of Deaf adults is known by what name?
What is CODA (Child of Deaf Adults)?
True or False. All age signs originate at the age-spot and face outward.
What is True?
True or False. Dive in refers to the Deaf community clubs, sporting competitions and social events where Deaf people form a majority.
What is False?
True or False. Deaf World describes someone who becomes invalided with an activity or group.
What is False?
True or False. When using ASL pronouns, the pronoun sign must match the number of individuals talked about.
What is True.
The sign ______ also means for, but only when signing about a period of time.
What is since?
Where is the age spot located?
What is on the chin?
Many words in ASL are _____ ____, which are two separate signs combined to make an additional meaning.
What is compound signs?
Very few hearing families who don't know ASL but rely on a few signs and improvised gestures called _____ _____.
What is home signs?
Long-lasting friendships between Deaf people often begin where?
What is Schools for the Deaf?
___________ is multiple topics or pieces of information in the same sentence.
What is Contrasting?
____________ is what more than one person says or does.
What is Comparing?
_____________ is more than one idea or concept in the same sentence.
What is Separating?
The difference between need and should is the NMS ____ _____ _____ with should.
What is raise your eyebrows?
ASL distinguishes between a literal, physical fight and heated exchange of words, known as what?
What is Verbal-fight?
______________ is a way to distinguish several piece of information in a signed sentence by slightly moving your head and shoulders in a difference direction for each detail.
What is Shoulder-Shifting?
________ _________ is when you ask and answer questions that incorporate more than one detail or piece of information.
What is Contrastive structure?
True or False. Love it is used for a romantic emotions while love shows an emotional or sentimental attachment to a person or things.
What is False?
Wave-no has several uses in ASL, list two of them.
What is 1. It draws attention to a mistake. 2. Serves as a stronger no than the sign no. 3. Correct information. 4. Refuse something. 5. Signal an objection.
What are the four rules for signing age?
What is A. Age 1-9 touch the age spot with the number. B. Age 10-100+, touch the age spot then sign the number. C. Touch the age spot with the first number then sign the second. D. Age 13, 14, 15 are always signed with the number touching the age spot.