Forms with avoir
Near future
Il a 24 ans
What is " He is 24 years old " in French ?
-e -es -e -ons -ez -ent
What is the end the endings for 1st group verbs at present tense in French ?
Je vais habiter aux Etats-Unis
What is " I'm going to live in the US " ?
What is your name ?
What is " quel est ton nom ? " Double point if you can find another way.
a + le = ? a + la = ? a + les = ? a + le / la + word starting with a vowel = ? Double points if you can provide examples for each of those
What is " au / a la / aux / a l' " ?
J'ai froid / J'ai chaud
What is " I am cold / I am hot " in French ?
Etre at all persons
What is " Je suis - Tu es - Il / Elle est - Nous sommes - Vous etes - Ils / Elles sont " ?
Je vais aller au cinema ce week-end ?
What is " I'm going to go to the theater this week-end " ?
Who are you talking to ? Double points if you can provide two different ways of questioning
What is " A qui parles-tu ?" / " A qui est-ce que tu parles ? " ?
de + le = ? de + la = ? de + les = ? de + le / la + words starting with a vowel = ?
What is " du / de la / des / de l' " ?
Nous avons besoin et tu as envie
What is " we need and you feel like " in French
Avoir at all persons
What is " J'ai - Tu as - Il / Elle a - Nous avons - Vous avez - Ils / Elles ont " ?
I'm going to order a cafe at the restaurant
What is " Je vais commander un cafe au restaurant " ?
What are the translations of " When " in French ? Double points if you can provide examples
What is " A quelle heure ? " et " Quand " ?
I want (some) sugar in my coffee He needs some cake We drink some tea
What is " Je veux du sucre / J'ai besoin de gateau / Nous buvons du the " ?
Les francais ont raison et les britanniques ont tort
What is " French people are right and British people are wrong " ?
Prendre at all persons
What is " Je prends - Tu prends - Il / Elle prend - Nous prenons - Vous prenez - Ils / Elles prennent " ?
I'm going to BrassTap to watch the Patriots game this Sunday.
What is " Je vais aller a BrassTap pour regarder le match des Patriots ce samedi " or " Je vais regarder le match des Patriots a BrassTap ce samedi " ?
Who is inviting Patrice to dinner ?
What is " Qui invite Patrice a diner ? "
I'm going to the swimming pool, to the cafe, to the school and home.
What is " Je vais a la piscine, au cafe, a l'ecole et chez moi / a la maison " ?
Vous avez peur d'avoir honte
What is " you are afraid of being ashamed " ?
Boire at all persons
What is " Je bois - Tu bois - Il / Elle boit - Nous buvons - Vous buvez - Ils / Elles boivent " ?
I'm going to go to a restaurant next weekend. After that, I'm going to watch a movie with my friends.
What is " Je vais aller au restaurant le week-end prochain. Apres ca, je vais regarder un film avec mes amis. Double points if you can make the last sentence different but still keep the same meaning.
" What is he thinking about " ? Double points if you can provide two differents ways, Triple if you can provide three differents ways.
What is " A quoi pense-t-il ?" / " Il pense a quoi ? " / " A quoi est-ce qu'il pense ? "
Using all the fourth forms of the French partitive, make a sentence
What is " the teacher is a sadistic person ? "