Author's Purpose
Draw Conclusions
Context Clues
I have feathers. I also have wings, but I don't fly. I love to swim in icy water. Who am I?
What is a penguin?
An instructional booklet describing how to operate an MP3 player. What is the author's purpose?
What is inform?
Jake had a lot of homeowrk to do. It was three pages long. He added and subtracted until his hand got tired of writing. What kind of homework did Jake have?
What is math?
What is the meaning of the idiom? Jason was so tired that he HIT THE HAY right after dinner.
What is went to bed?
What is the meaning of the capitalized word? Once the picture was AMPLIFIED, we could see it better.
What is made bigger?
I live in the ocean. I swim around slowly, looking for something to eat. I have six more arms that you have. What am I?
What is an octopus?
An article about why the iPod is the greatest electronic device ever made. What is the author's purpose?
What is persuade?
After supper, Jake's dad reminded Jake to do his job. Jake went from room to room unloading baskets and cans into a large plastic bag. Then he took the bag out to the dumpster. What is Jake's job?
What is taking out the trash?
What is the meaning of the idiom? Do not waste your money on this video because it is FOR THE BIRDS.
What is worthless?
What is the meaning of the capitalized word? It seems IMPLAUSIBLE to me that I could fly out of the window.
What is impossible?
I am a female. I like to watch movies and listen to music. My grandchildren love my oatmeal cookies. Who am I?
What is a grandmother?
A story about a young boy who moves to a new school and joins a sports team. What is the author's purpose?
What is entertain?
Now Jake could have some free time. He decided to play "Star Monsters." He turned on the TV and put a cartridge in the player. He watched the monsters fighting on the TV screen while his fingers pushed buttons to make them move. What was Jake doing?
What is playing a video game?
What is the meaning of the idiom? Jasmine was DOWN IN THE DUMPS after losing the game.
What is sad?
What is the meaning of the capitalized word? She is so rude to me that I really DISDAIN her.
What is dislike?
I am an insect. If you touch me, I might bite you! I make tunnels under the ground. I love to come to your picnic! Who am I?
What is an ant?
A booklet containing the school rules and consequences for not following those rules. What is the author's purpose?
What is inform?
Jake was tired. He put on his pajamas, brushed his teeth, and crawled under the covers. What was Jake doing?
What is going to bed?
What is the meaning of the idiom? Carlos has been ON CLOUD NINE since winning the contest.
What is really happy?
What is the meaning of the capitalized word? Susan was BLISSFUL when her name was called as the science fair winner.
What is happy?
I am a large mammal. I live in the woods. I have fur. I stand up and growl when I am angry. Who am I?
What is a bear?
An article where the author argues that an iPod music player is better than a Zune music player. What is the author's purpose?
What is persuade?
It was Angie's first day at her new school. As she sat down, her pencils rolled off the desk and clattered all over the floor. Angie turned bright red. She looked down as she picked up the pencils. Why did Angie turn bright red?
What is she was embarrassed?
What is the meaning of the idiom? Although he was losing by 20 points, Alex refused to THROW IN THE TOWEL.
What is give up?
What is the meaning of the capitalized word? The flashlight was so powerful that it ILLUMINATED the entire room.
What is lit up?