What is another word for 'accident'?
It is a process in which conditioned air is pumped into the cabin of an aircraft in order to create a safe and comfortable environment for passengers and crew flying at high altitudes.
Cabin pressure
To react in a very angry way to something that someone says or does.
To fly off the handle
Провалитися (угода тощо)
To fall through
Translate the word 'disembark'
Provide synonyms to a verb 'opt for'.
Choose, pick, go for
The area in an airport where documents are checked.
Passport control
I am so happy in my new job that I feel like I am _______ on ____.
Walking on air
I’m glad to see that you all _(agree)__with me on this question.
fall in
What does it mean 'to run aground'?
To hit the coast, sometimes becoming stuck there.
Complete the synonymic line with the word from the text.
'Unpleasant', 'disgusting', 'awful', 'dreadful'...
Complete the sentence.
We sat in the _____________ waiting for our flight to be called.
departure lounge
The act of trying to make a profit or get an advantage using clever or complicated methods.
Wheeling and dealing
She __(engaged)______ a conversation with the taxi driver yesterday.
It is an irregular flight ordered by a tour operator to transport tourists to a certain direction.
Charter flight
Fill in the gaps.
Others, such as the ones we sought, are wash trails, that follow, the_________ paths carved in the canyon floors by__________ floods and rain ____off.
Meandering, flash, run.
Translate the following sentence:
Кожен пасажир нашої авіакомпанії отримує копію бортового журнала.
Each of the passengers of our airline receives a copy of the in-flight magazine.
My sister and I are in __________________ neither of us have money to go on holiday.
in the same boat
I meant to call you, but somehow I never ___(eventually do)______ to it.
got around
If you need to stop, let the other drivers know by putting your_________ lights on.
Будьте обережні, гірський маршрут, який ви вибрали, оманливо легкий.
Be careful, the mountainous terrain that you've chosen is deceptively easy-looking.
What do we take out to cover different risks while travelling?
Travel insurance
Translate the following sentence:
Він намагався пливти проти течії, але занадто швидко здався.
He tried to swim against the tide but gave up too fast.
Translate the following sentence:
Ми збираємся втекти від усього цього поїхавши в круїз.
We are going to get away from it all by going on a cruise.
You can not stop in the middle of the motorway. You can use a ___ ____ if you want to take a break.