Physical Properties
Volume and Mass
States of Matter
Changing Water

What is one of the physical properties of a soccer ball?

What is round, black and white, bouncy, hard or other physical property (up to Ms. Leamer)?


How much matter an object has.

What is mass?


The three states of matter

What are solid, liquid, and gas?


The state of matter that water in the ocean is.

What is liquid?


A thermometer shows that it is 15 °C outside. What will happen to an ice cube if you put it outside?

The ice will melt.


Anything you can observe about an object using your senses.

What is a physical property?


How much space an object takes up.

What is volume?


The state of matter that has a definite shape and does not change to the shape of its container.

What is a solid?


The freezing point in both Fahrenheit and Celsius.

What is 32 degrees Fahrenheit and 0 degrees Celsius?


What claim tells what causes water to change from a liquid to a solid?

The water is cooled


What are two physical properties that can describe your science book that can be observed by more than one of your senses?

Ms. Leamer will listen to the answer to see if it correct.


a tool used to measure mass.

What is a pan balance?


The state of matter that changes shape to fill the container it is in and has a definite volume.

What is a liquid?


The boiling point of water in both Fahrenheit and Celsius.

What is 212 degrees Fahrenheit and 100 degrees Celsius?


What needs to happen for a gas to condense into a liquid?

The gas must be cooled.


What are 2 physical properties that someone can observe using their sense of smell?

What is stinky, smells good/nice, sweet, etc.


A tool used to measure Volume.

What is a graduated Cylinder?


The state of matter that changes its shape to fill the container it is in and had no definite volume.

What is a gas?


Mrs. Barnes pulls a cold water bottle from her fridge and the outside of it gets wet as it sits out. What process is happening here?

What is condensation?


You are at a restaurant. You notice hot wax dripping down the side of the candle. What is happening to the wax as the candle is burned?

What is melting?


Why do scientists use physical properties when observing objects?

Scientist do this so they can split items into groups based off of similar characteristics and items.


Which measurement tool measures grams / kilograms and which tool measures in milliliters? 

A pan balance can measure grams and a graduated cylinder can measure milliliters.


A natural substance can occur in all three states of matter naturally.

What is water?


What is the difference between when water boils and when water evaporates?

When water boils, it turns into water vapor quickly. When eater evaporates, it turns to water vapor slowly over time.


How can I describe the mass of the objects on the pan balance?

The oranges are heavier than the apples because they have more mass.