Washington set many of these, including serving 2 terms and creating a cabinet
What is "precedent"
This scandal involved French agents demanding bribes from U.S. diplomats.
What is the XYZ affair
The Election of 1800 resulted in a tie between these two candidates:
Thomas Jefferson & Aaron Burr
This purchase doubled the size of the United States.
What is the Louisiana Purchase.
What was the name of the war fought between GB and the United States under James Madison's presidency?
What is the War of 1812
This was rebellion over a tax on liquor was a major test of federal authority
What is the Whiskey Rebellion
These acts limited immigration and made it illegal to criticize the government.
What are the Alien & Sedition Acts
This amendment was added to fix issues with electing the president and vice president.
What is the 12th Amendment
This expedition explored the Louisiana Territory
What are the Lewis & Clark Expeditions.
This Supreme Court case established judicial review, meaning that laws can be considered unconstitutional.
What is Madbury v. Madison
Washington took this policy when viewing the United States' involvement in European conflicts.
What is neutrality.
Jefferson and Madison wrote these resolutions to argue that states could ignore federal laws...
What is the Virginia & Kentucky Resolution
The Election of 1800 set what precedents for modern-day electioneering?
What is campaigning, political parties, and a peaceful transfer of power.
This act banned trade with foreign nations but hurt the U.S. economy.
What is the Embargo Act of 1807
What is the name of the battle that inspired the United States national anthem?
What is the Battle of Baltimore
Hamilton, Washingtons secretary of the treasury, helped create this financial institution to stabilize the U.S. economy...
What is the national bank and national debt.
This undeclared naval war occurred between the U.S. and France due to impressment on the seas.
What is the Quasi-War
What are the main differences between Federalists & Democratic-Republicans?
Federalist: Strong central government, industry in the North.
Democratic-Republicans: Limited central government, states rights, agrarian society.
The British practice of kidnapping American sailors is known as...
What is impressment.
The Monroe Doctrine warned Europe to stay out of affairs in this region.
What is the Western Hemisphere
This 1789 law established the federal court system, including district and circuit court
What is the Judiciary Act
Partly due to tensions from the French Revolution, Adams suggested that the United States practice this stance on foreign policy.
What is neutrality
What was going on during the Election of 1800 that would also continue into the presidency of Thomas Jefferson election? (name 3 Foreign issues)
What are the French Revolution, GB & French War, Impressment, and Barbary pirates.
Thomas Jefferson had a __________ interpretation of the Constitution. Name how he contradicted himself during his presidency because of this.
Loose Interpretation
Answers may include:
He purchased the Louisiana territory for $15 million without provisions in the constitution.
He owned slaves but advocated for small agrarian democracies where "All men are created equal".
He opposed a strong military but expanded the Navy to fight the barbary pirates.
The period of strong national unity following the War of 1812
What is the "era of good feelings"