Carlos found studying and reviewing his notes _____ to his performance on the test.
a. depressed b. curated c. beneficial
c. beneficial
Define Majority
the greater number
the most
After Shayla's father lost his job, there were several months when he was always down. Shayla noticed that he didn't seem to have the energy for anything.
Shayla's dad had
a. curation b. affirmation c. depression
c. depression
What is your teachers favorite drink?
a. monster b. Alani c. mt dew
Freebie! all of them are correct!
What is your teachers favorite candy bar?
a. twix b. reeses peanut buter cup c. snickers
Freebie! She likes all of them
I never read the entire newspaper. Instead, I focus on articles that are _______ to my life.
a. depressing b. curating c. relevant
c. relevant
Define depression
feeling sad, anxious or irratable
Janet was surprised to find out that adding worms to her soil led to increased nutrients. This caused her lettuce to grow faster.
Was it
a. beneficial b. curated c. relevant
a. beneficial
One of the ______ of getting braces in not being able to eat candy apples or sticky candy.
a. benefits b. drawbacks c. affirmations
b. drawbacks
Mr. Flores was irritated when Jaelen started telling a story about his dog in history class. "Let's try to stay on topic pleas, " Mr. flores said.
a. beneficial b. relevant c. curated
b. relevant
My niece has given me so many adorable drawings. It's hard to _______ a group of them tohang on my fridge!
a. affirm b. curate c. depress
b. curate
Define relevant
closely connected
Because it was on the other side of the city, Zahara rode the subway to the museum.
Zahara went to the museum...
a. relevant b. via c. consume
a. via
Between recording and editing her own videos and watching other people's videos, it seems like ellie spends the ______ of her free time on Tik Tok.
a. curation b. majority c. relevance
b. majority
Pam bought a new printer that's really fast. The only problem is that the ink takes forever to dry, so it smudges very easily.
a. affirmation b. drawback c. relevance
b. drawback
Barclay love the lunch buffet at the corner bodega because it was filled with _______ food and drink options.
a. curated b. depressed c. diverse
c. diverse
Define diverse
showing a great deal of variety
After realizing all the speakers were of one race, the committee reached out to experts from many cultures and ethnicities.
They reached out to those with
a. diversity b. diversity c. via
a. diversity
Mahdi's big sister is a powerful force in his life. She always _______ his good decisions and cheers him on.
a. affirms b. diversifies c. depresses
a. affirms
Mayor Adebayo announced that she wouldn't be running for reelection. Then she said " I hope you will all vote for Deputy Mayor Tanaka; he has my full support."
a. affirm b. via c. depress
a. affirm
Arya heard the rumors _______ her friend Mike, who always passed juicy gossip on her.
a. via b. majority c. curate
a. via
Define via
by way of
traveling through
by means of
After the art class completes a project, mr. Mitchell chooses a few of the best works to display at the front of the classroom.
a. curate b. via c. depress
a. curate
When Jack realized that his sadnesss wasn't going away. He wondered if he might be _______.
a. beneficial b. depressed c. relevant
b. depressed
Given the coice between a gift and cash, most peple we interviewed said they would rather have the cash.
a. diverse b. curate c. majority
c. majority