How many spheres does the Earth have?
How many external processes can change the Earth's surface?
How many types of rocks are there?
How many properties do minerals have?
What is the sphere that corresponds to all the water on Earth?
How do we call to the process in which materials from rocks and soil are removed?
What are rocks?
Rocks are made up of minerals and make up the geosphere
What are minerals?
They are natural materials that make up most of rocks.
The internal energy of the Earth causes the formation of various landforms. Say 3 of them.
Mountains, oceans, seas, volcanoes, islands, depressions...
What is the biosphere?
All of the Earth's ecosystems and living things.
What agent deposits the tiny rocks that form deserts?
The wind
How rocks are classified? (What criteria do we use to classify rocks?)
Which property has to do with the relationship between the mass and the volume of a mineral?
Which is the hardest mineral?
The diamond
The core
Wind and water
Theya re formed from magma.
Which properties can we NOT see with the naked eye?
Density and hardness
What needs to happen when a mountain range is formed? (What is the process of formation of a mountain range?)
The tectonic plates are moved due to the internal energies of the Earth towards each other.
What is the geosphere?
The rocky aprt of the Earth
How do we call to the materials that are transported from one place to another by natural agents?
What type of rock is the marble?
What can we use minerals for? Say at least 2 uses.
To obtain metals, to make jewelry, to make electronic components
What process is taken place in the cliffs? What agent is responsible for that?
The process that takes place in the cliffs is erosion and is caused by water.