How do you spell this word?
Add -ed to this word.
What is this word?
Read this sentence.
Let's find out why!
Let's find out why!
In Creep Low, Fly High, how did Caterpillar feel at the beginning of the story?
sad, upset, left out
How do you spell this word?
Add -es to this word.
What is this word?
Read these sentences.
This glow shines like the sun. The glow comes from bugs that fly.
This glow shines like the sun. The glow comes from bugs that fly.
In Creep Low, Fly High, how did the other insects feel about Caterpillar being missing?
sad, worried
How do you spell this word?
Add -ing to this word.
What is this word?
Read these sentences.
They ride side by side on the wide path. Jane sees a cute mole by a pine tree.
They ride side by side on the wide path. Jane sees a cute mole by a pine tree.
How do you know that Ladybug was worried about Caterpillar?
"What if it caught our pal?"
How do you spell this word?
Correct this sentence.
Did Jed sees an ant hill.
Use this word in a sentence.
Answers will vary
Read these sentences.
At last, they make it back to Jane's place. "That was some ride," Steve says with pride. Jane nods. "We must do this once more soon!"
At last, they make it back to Jane's place. "That was some ride," Steve says with pride. Jane nods. "We must do this once more soon!"
In Hi Fly Guy, how did the Dad's feelings change about the fly?
At first he was annoyed, he did not like the fly. Then the fly said "Buzz" so he thought the fly was smart.
How do you spell this word?
Correct this sentence.
Last week, Mom see a snail on the ledge.
Last week, Mom saw a snail on the ledge.
Use this word in a sentence.
Answers will vary
Read this paragraph.
Hope liked to walk. She did not like to fly. She had wings, but when her pals were flying, she did not try. Hope was too shy to fly.
Hope liked to walk. She did not like to fly. She had wings, but when her pals were flying, she did not try. Hope was too shy to fly.
How a character feels and how their feelings can change.