This person led the Haitian Revolution
Toussaint Louverture
The era that brought in new ideas about government and social structure
The Enlightenment
Which country owned the 13 colonies in America
What type of government was set up in France prior to the Revolution?
Who was the leader of the Haitian Revolution?
Toussaint Louverture
This person took over France after the revolution and crowned himself Emporer
Napoleon Bonaparte
The idea that citizens give up certain freedoms in exchange for protection and services from the government
Social Contract
What did colonists have to pay that they felt was unfair?
Reign of Terror
Which country colonized Haiti?
This person was the King of France before being publicly executed
King Louis XVI
Explain how the idea of Separation of Powers still exists today
We have 3 branches of Government
What was the end result of the American Revolution?
The United States was established and gained its independence from Britain
What was one of the causes of the Revolution?
Get rid of Monarchy
Taxes funding wars
No individual rights
What initially caused the Haitian Revolution?
Slaves rising up to gain their freedom
This person led the Reign of Terror in France during the revolution in which 20,000 people were killed
Maximilien Robespierre
Explain how the idea of natural rights still impacts our world today.
We have rights in the US and there is a Universal Declaration of Human Rights
No representation in government
Why did Napoleon become unpopular with the people?
He made himself Emporer when the goal of the Revolution was to get rid of the Monarchy
What was the end result of the Haitian Revolution?
Haiti gained its independence from France
This Enlightenment thinker believed in a Social Contract, where citizens give up certain freedoms in exchange for protection and services from the government
Thomas Hobbes
How did the Enlightenment impact the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions?
The ideas about government and societies began to spread around the world and people realized how governments should run and what rights they should have
What are 2 items that were taxed by Britain?
Stamps, paper, ink, sugar, tea
What event/meeting resized the large countries in Europe and gave back Napoleon's stolen land?
Congress of Vienna
What did Napoleon threaten to do in Haiti which sparked a second rebellion?
Reinstate slavery