Checks and Balances

35 years old, native born citizen, and 14 years a resident in the United States

What are the constitutional requirements to be President?


The President has this ability to forgive for federal offenses

What is a pardon?


measures the value of everything produced in the nation in a year

What is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?


Implementation, Administration, and Regulation

What are the three functions of the bureaucracy?


Not explicitly stated in the Constitution or implied by other words but allows officials to take actions needed to perform essential duties

What is inherent powers?


This foundational document is about the single energetic executive.

What is Federalist 70?


The President has this authority to send a bill back to Congress

What is a veto?


measures inflation of prices

What is the Consumer Price Index (CPI)?


The Environmental Protection Agency is an example of this

What is a regulatory agency?


Provides the President with objective economic advice on the formulation of both domestic and international economic policy.

What is the Council of Economic Advisors?


Using the power of the bully pulpit to create a policy agenda and then pressure Congress to enact it.  Using popularity as measured by public opinion polls as a way to accomplish goals  More popularity=easier to achieve goals

What is Agenda Setting?


Executive privilege was limited under this Supreme Court case

What is US v. Nixon?


The key to keeping the economy stable is controlling the money supply.

  • Too much money in circulation=higher prices=people stop spending

  • Too little money in circulation=not enough for new investment=fewer jobs created

What is monetarism?


ended the spoils system

What is the Pendleton Act?


An alliance of interest groups and agencies who unite to promote a common cause or agenda

What are issue networks?


The President of the Senate

Who is the Vice-President?


If a President doesn't sign a bill within 10 days and Congress is not in session

What is a pocket veto?


The key to keeping the economy stable is to cut taxes and decrease business regulation 

  • High taxes drain economy, keep workers from productivity, limit savings and investing

  • Cutting taxes makes workers more productive, companies have more $ to invest, and costs of production go down=lower prices

What is Supply-Side economics?


This is when a regulatory agency enforces their own regulations by holding a hearing that is like a court trial, with an administrative law judge.  Conducted just like a trial to judge if the regulation has been violated and applies a punishment if it does.

What is adjudication?


Employees carry out tasks designed to enforce the law in a broad policy area like education, defense, or justice

What are cabinet departments?


A "signing statement" is this type of power when the President outlines their own thoughts on a bill when it is signed into law. 

What is an informal power?


This act requires the President to inform Congress within 48 hours of any military action

What is the War Powers Act?

Key to keeping economy stable is  government spending

  • Bad times=government should increase spending, decrease taxes to give people more $ to spend=more demand=more jobs

  • Good times=cut spending, increase taxes=lower demand, less spending, less inflation

What is Keynesian Economics?


Revised the Hatch Act - Bureaucrats could show support for a political leader but only at home, not in the workplace

What is the Federal Employees Political Activities Act?


Serve in the key leadership positions just below the top Presidential appointees.

What is the Senior Executive Service?